Recent content by Louthelivestockguy

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  1. L

    Bull Shopping

    I hope so. He is an expressive bull, but not mean acting. Also the most expensive I’ve ever bought. $4K!
  2. L

    Bull Shopping

    Group of cows with my new bull
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  4. L

    Bull Shopping

    Here is my bull I bought from a Limflex breeder close to my farm. He was 18 months when I got him. He is approx. 2 years old now. A bit more frame than my last one, but I don’t have any heifers to breed and probably won’t for a while with these cattle prices!
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  6. L

    First branding done

    We have to get **** done. Tomorrow brings us more **** to do….
  7. L

    First branding done

    You guys sure do have some rocky ground there!! Get them calves growing and you will have a nice pay day in about 5-7 months!
  8. L

    Backyard grassers must have come to the sale.

    They need to listen to Dave Ramsey!
  9. L

    Cow with badly swollen legs ?

    There is a silver lining here! You can stop spending money and time on medicine and get her system “clean” and then slaughter her for your own consumption. I’m assuming she can’t walk enough to sell at stockyards or even a slaughter house? I eat all my cows that get down. They are primarily...
  10. L

    Fertilizer question

    It depends on soil composition as to how nutrients will move through them? A lot depends on your soils cation exchange number which changes with soil profiles. If you have heavy clay soils with little top soil, nutrients could stay bound in the upper inches more easily. Hopes this helps?!
  11. L

    Show me your idea of the perfect cow

    I’ve heard a lot of people say that big volume means more feed. Any thoughts on preferring volume over efficiency? Myself I sell feeders and they like bigger frame calves at Bluegrass Stockyards!
  12. L

    Show me your idea of the perfect cow

    This goes to show, the best of our cows are never the prettiest of cows. Disposition is worth more $ than any of us know too. It’s a challenge getting the right ones!! She is worth $4 per pound to you, but would be middle of the road priced at a stockyards.
  13. L

    New born

    Dad always said. Best to cull your cow that lost its calf, than to keep her around eating groceries for 9 months to do it all over again! He would give heifers a second chance, but not all them!