Recent content by skcatlman

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  1. S

    Show supplies

    Anyone using the BOSS pro dryer? How does it compare to the circuiteer or sullivans blower? Any comments on show stopper glue or their touch up? How does it compare to primetime , ez comb or F1? Having a hardtime getting sullivans in canada because of the propellant and i tried the RK glue...
  2. S

    Feed cost

    I am not sure where or when your kids sell their 4-H steer projects. But when i sat on the steer sale commitee at our regional 4-H show we lined up enough corperate buyers for all the steers and then some so that all would sell at least 40 - 50 cents above the market price and when kids brought...
  3. S

    NAFTA & Canadian Cattle

    ALX if you are going to quote me try to get it right. But please don't ever confuse OT and myself :shock: . If it happens again it will be pistols at dawn :cowboy: . Thanx :tiphat:
  4. S

    NAFTA & Canadian Cattle

    Have you ever read the final draft of the North American Free Trade Agreement maybe try it some time? Prior to the Mulroney Conservatives signing this FTA Foreign ownership of business was limited to 49 %. Go check it out. It was legislation in [b]CANADA[/b]. I see what you are and what you want...
  5. S

    NAFTA & Canadian Cattle

    Maybe do some research SM - prior to NAFTA a US company could operate in canada but could not be own more than 49 % of a business. So if you guys want it to opt out why wouldn't things go back to pre-NAFTA laws ? Or do your politicians just want to renegociate it? That is a whole new ball of...
  6. S

    NAFTA & Canadian Cattle

    The truth of the fact is that NAFTA allowed US based multinational packers to run canadian packers out of business. Thus changing the cattle business up here going from a point where most canadian cattle were fed and killed up here to a export market for feeder cattle where 80 % of the calves...
  7. S

    Gv - Heavy Equipment - Homo. Polled ?

    Homo polled? Not in my books - I just finished clipping some sons nice heads good bulls but they scurred. Would anyone still consider him homo polled ?
  8. S

    Canada- R-CALF talk

    Well OT Your fearless leader BB wants to see the canadian cattle currently processed in the US be moved along with jobs in the packing industry to Canada Thanx BB. It is good that the US can afford to give away jobs to foreign countries. :welcome: :lol2: Politicians will like that as will...
  9. S

    Canada Supplied Tainted Meat

    OT go to . You do know there are other sorces of imformation other than the net, try other types of media :roll:
  10. S

    Canada Supplied Tainted Meat

    Change the subject, again! Too bad you can't admit when you are wrong. And i have provided sorces to prove the statement i made, if you don't check them out that isn't my problem. Believe what you want OT. All that you feel is important is that you try to tear down others at what ever cost no...
  11. S

    Canada Supplied Tainted Meat

    Hey there OT, I remembererd an article I read in the WP by Barb Duckworth in the Dec 6 issue and went and found it where William James of the USDA reported that although e.coli was found in samples taken from trim from Ranchers Beef none of it was the O157:H7 strain involved in the TOPPS meat...
  12. S

    Canada Supplied Tainted Meat

    Ok OT i will lead you by the hand like an alsheimers patient and lead you thru this. go to transcriptarchives The show was the daily farm news also replayed on weekends on the farmgate program the news director is Bob Simpson. It will cost you $20 a page to get the transcripts of the...
  13. S

    Canada Supplied Tainted Meat

    That's oldtimer for ya. Personal attacks :roll: maybe i should stop by when i'm traveling with cattle sold into the US this fall/winter - 4 states 4 herdbull deliveries so far, maybe OT can explain why he makes personal attacks without provocation. Or is this old coot going to attack me for...
  14. S

    Canada Supplied Tainted Meat

    Been gone a while but last week, Ranchers was on the news the CFIA cleared them. The TOPPS e.coli contamination was not from them. :cry2: USDA-FSIS was WRONG. If anyone wants to check it out go to the archives.
  15. S

    SHAPLEY'S touch-up????

    I used shapley's at agribition in regina it worked ok but still getting the color perfect on legs was tough you had to coat like with any touch up and know when to stop. I went back to the old way of using sullivans as well. But i also tried an idea i had of mixing dry water based paint (like...