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  1. T

    Head gate, or squeeze chute needed

    I really don't know how they announce it.
  2. T

    Head gate, or squeeze chute needed

    Eric this is true. But they do not tell in advance when it will be. They usally anounce it the week they do it. It is all seconds an has no warranty. How you see it is how you get it. It is usally better if you are going to by a chute to do it through a dealer because they will warranty it.
  3. T

    Head gate, or squeeze chute needed

    Jake, You are right, Linn in your area is one of them.
  4. T

    Head gate, or squeeze chute needed

    I would go with a Priefert head gate. I don't like the swinging headgate, it doesn't matter, W&W, Powder River or Formost. Most of thses manual swinging headgates can hiplock a cow. I have seen it happen and then have to cut the cow out. Priefert can open to a full 28 inches and never hiplock a...
  5. T

    squeeze chutes?

    Priefert, all the way. If the chute bent then you need to talk to the dealer. I know that Priefert will back up what they sell. I know I guy that his side door bent and they sent him a new chute for free. I have never heard of any one else doing that.
  6. T

    Best Truck??

    I don't think I can get started at -25.
  7. T

    Federal ID

    Each state will run the ID program. The USDA will oversee it. Maybe I did not make myself clear. The only time that the government will step in is in outbreak.
  8. T

    Federal ID

    Oldtimer, I think that I misrepresnted myself when I talked about the calves getting 5 to 10 cents more. I am currently doing that myself. Its just getting the buyers to relize it. I have talked them before a sale and it seems that my cattle did not do any better than average. Thats why i said...
  9. T

    Federal ID

    I am not tryin to step on anyones toes, I am just sharing the infomation that I know on. Oldtimer, on the tracing back, If you sold me cattle from your state most likely you have tagged them. But lets say you didn't or didn't want to pay for it up front. There would be no way in this world that...
  10. T

    R-CALF vs Canadian Cattle

    Hold on just a min, I am not against Canada but we are not testing just healthy cattle. The cattle that we are testing do have something wrong with them, and some are healthy cattle that are tested. Wouldn't you like to sample a little of everything and not just healthy or sick cattle?
  11. T

    Federal ID

    The number that you or I give the cow will stay with it till it dies. I understand your thinking and I agree, the thing is thier are people out thier that have 20 head that do not want to tag thier cattle. Most people will probably go ahead and tag them. I feel that their will be a day that the...
  12. T

    Federal ID

    texag, It will police itself. If you buy a set of hefiers from me and don't fill out any paperwork then you just assumed all resposibility if they find a hot cow and trace it back to you. Cause if you tell them you got them from me I am just going to say I have never seen them before, and then...
  13. T

    Federal ID

    Scotty, (I work for Arkansas Cattlemens)I have gone to meetings an USDA does not want the responsibility for the program. They are going to tell the states how to run it. It will most likely fall under the Department of AG. Our state and Rode Island do not have one so it will fall under us and...
  14. T

    which trailer

    If I was to buy one for everyday hauling, It would be between a Barrett and Wilson,(Thats taking cattle somewhere everyday because they are closely built like a pot). The next runners up would be goosenecks new alum, and a sundowner. I sold Gooseneck and Sundowners, When the Gooseneck brand...
  15. T

    which trailer

    I used to sell trailers and the biggest thing to consider is Rust! If you don't want to bother with rust the buy alum. The value is usally better with alum, if you for some reason need to sell it it usally hold thier value a lot better than steel. Its kinda like buying a John Deere, the other...