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    Food Poisoning

    I had a great aunt that called them loaded cackleberries
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    Food Poisoning

    Don't try the gas station sushi.
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    T-post one, me zero

    Now you know what to do in case of fallout…..put it back in and take a shorter stroke.
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    Fun in East Texas

    I’m curious why a lightning strike would cause well water to become cloudy with sediment. I initially thought mineral deposits in the 24yo copper plumbing got disturbed, but even the water coming straight out of the well has a rusty appearance. Well pump is working fine. I’ve left a garden hose...
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    Fun in East Texas

    I was flash blinded with simultaneous explosion and the sound of glass shattering, along with an earthquake (house shaking, pictures and light fixtures hitting the floor). That was about 2:15am Tuesday morning . I think it came in through the wood stove pipe and jumped over to the gas cook...
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    solar eclipse April 8. This town is going nuts over it.

    I didn’t bother taking pictures. I had a gaggle of family and friend around me and they were all buried in their phone cameras. All of them yapping, all the time. Comparing notes on how to take pictures, out loud; “loud” being the operative word. It was awesome. I think the most beautiful thing...
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    Oh good grief...some people's children..

    They get to vote too
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    solar eclipse April 8. This town is going nuts over it.

    Kids think of the darndest things. If I were you, I’d consider this a very special moment and outfit the cows with proper viewing glasses. Post pictures here!
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    solar eclipse April 8. This town is going nuts over it.

    The longish range forecast is suggesting cloud cover in our area. My wife just asked me “what are we gonna do!?! I’m still learning her. Although I can hang the moon, I can’t change the weather. So, I told her when it gets dark, I’ll chase her around just like every night; for about four...
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    I am really happy for hard working people that are successful, really. I enjoy reading about how they did it. I’ve been trying to make a silk purse from a sows ear my entire life. Instead of only pointing to your successes, will you kindly include your sacrifices to achieve your goals. I’d like...
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    My rant for the day

    It killed about 60% within a day or two. Another 30% were too far gone within a week. She managed to nurse the remainder to health. It was especially rough on the tomatoes and peppers. It’s a wickedly special moment when she swears. According to her, I’m the only one that’s heard it. I don’t...
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    My rant for the day

    She had so many that year, she was moving them in and out of the greenhouse every day during the nights that may freeze. It was kinda fun watching her bend over to pack and stack. Of course, she wants a bigger greenhouse.
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    My rant for the day

    That was 4 years ago. Yes, she was really upset, and has since had a dedicated sprayer for her poop tea. She didn't take any chances of me getting a picture of the wilted mess. I came home from work one day and it was all gone and she was sitting at the picnic table drinking elderberry wine. It...
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    My rant for the day

    Forgot to post the before picture.
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    My rant for the day

    My wife is a really sweet gal. I’ve only heard her swear a couple of times, and that wasn’t one:ROFLMAO: Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned.
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    My rant for the day

    My wife was giving her plants a dose of rabbit poop tea with the pump-up sprayer. She forgot her last spray mix was Killz-All for “pokey plants”, and didn’t rinse it well. This is a picture of what her work looked like before they wilted.
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    solar eclipse April 8. This town is going nuts over it.

    :ROFLMAO: One of my younger employees said his wife has been talking about a third child, and half jokingly suggested they conceive during the eclipse. He told her he didn't want to miss the eclipse, so wanted to be on bottom. She said "the eclipse is 4 minutes and 18'll get...
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    My rant for the day

    Well, went out to his truck at lunch. He doesn't have the OEM jack stuff either, and carries the spare in the bed. Sorry. You might stick some putty or play doe on the end of that tubing and poke in there to make an imprint on that square drive. Just enough to measure. Maybe
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    My rant for the day

    Must be a Texas thing. When I was a small boy we lived in Irving. I remember the ice cream truck playing that carnival music. Haven’t seen one since. I have an employee with a newish Ford truck. I’ll measure the spare crank tool today.