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  1. TCRanch

    Post a random picture

    Some of the cows wandered down later in the day.
  2. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    That doesn't sound good. And she's the one that ripped off a good portion of her tail a few years ago when it got wrapped around a tree (four times!), so there's already damage. I haven't noticed whether she's been flicking it around, mainly because I keep her bedded down in a lot of hay and I...
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  4. TCRanch

    Crippled bull

    Dang the run of bad luck! Hopefully it's not stifled. Keep us posted.
  5. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    Discovered she's missing a nice chunk of skin this morning. Not sure what happened there but I'm assuming trying to get up & falling. And she had raging diarrhea. Well, I did give her alfalfa yesterday and that was probably too much of a good thing. Switched back over to brome and it wasn't...
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  7. IMG_20240611_145946522.jpg


  8. TCRanch

    Daily Chuckle

    Chevy now makes the Redneck JEEP, "Crystal Meth Edition"
  9. TCRanch

    Post a random picture

    That's a thing?😁
  10. TCRanch

    Post a random picture

    The watershed lake was like glass this morning. Perfect for fishing (except I don't fish).
  11. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    A cow with a broken leg is never good. But, contingent on the placement & severity, calves can heal amazingly well with nothing but a good mama and benign neglect. I have one this year that presumably got stepped on and was broken at/around the knee. She wasn't even a week old, and I wondered...
  12. TCRanch

    June '24 Photo Contest, Eyesore

  13. TCRanch

    June '24 Photo Contest, Eyesore

  14. TCRanch

    Poll May '24 Photo Contest, Milk Faced Calves

    Way to burst my bubble.🤭
  15. TCRanch

    coffee is ready, have a cup

    In which case I'd probably like it. I have low standards.
  16. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    Only other down cow I had from a breeding injury was probably 12 years ago and it didn't turn out well. We did lift her, and I regret that. I did have first calf heifer down for about 3 days but all I did was supportive therapy. Even with shade from the tarps and another dose of Banamine...
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  18. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    8 day withdrawal for Banamine Transdermal, 7 days for Dex. We had one slaughtered years ago before the Banamine withdrawal for our own consumption. Big, fat cow, tasted great and dang, that kink in my back went away after every burger.;)
  19. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    Thanks, Ken. Can you tell if she has an underbite? Cuz maybe that's part of the problem.;)😁
  20. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    Not good. Found this girl all splayed out Thursday morning. Looking at my notes, I'm pretty sure it was a breeding injury because last I saw, the bulls were following her, but she wasn't in standing heat. Started with Banamine Transdermal and did eventually give her Dex but my vet said stick...