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  1. F

    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    Not biased due to being dairy farmers.... the soy is not as well digested as straight milk... or all milk, milk replacer... too many studies done by too many people and too many outside comparisons done.... And I agree with the smell, the lack of absorption of the soy does cause smellier...
  2. F

    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    Calves do not assimilate the protein from soy near as well as from milk... that said, after a calf gets up to 4 weeks or so, you can use it as part of their bottle, introducing it by a small amount to replace the other... and they will do fine. I would never mix it more than 1/3 to 2/3 all milk...
  3. F

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Basically the same here... 1/2 the fence with it being the "right side" on each owner's side...if it is a fence that is in use by both landowners for livestock... If a person does not want to have livestock against the fence... the other owner has to build it/maintain it... BUT.... the other...
  4. F

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    One big question; don't know if you addressed this before...are you in a fence in or a fence out state or county? That might make a difference on how to handle it... And for pete's sake, don't turn that bull out until you make sure if you have insurance on your new bull, if it includes...
  5. F

    Good cow went dry

    If the cow got staph or strep mastitis, then the calf may not have nursed because it would not taste good... if she got got something more serious like Klebsiella or coliform, the cow would have definitely been sicker, some will just lay around more if it isn't too bad, but they will mostly all...
  6. F

    Good cow went dry

    She could have gotten mastitis, laying down alot might have meant she wasn't feeling good, mastitis could have been contracted from laying in a dirty spot where staph or strep could have been: just contact with a dirty spot on the ground that you never would have picked up on...and she might...
  7. F

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    Hope you find some information on the usda website... it is pretty decent reading and they have several updates listed so not like reading "stupid propaganda" in anything, read and then make your own opinions... but I do go on there and try to get some of the latest info and then keep it in...
  8. F

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    Go to diseases.... you can find more information there on the "current" state of affairs with what the us govt is doing...
  9. F

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    Heard an update that the HPAI that had been found in cattle and milk was rendered completely harmless in pasteurized milk. Studies had been done and that what partial particles could be detected were not able to carry this virus since they were not viable when pieces were put under a microscope...
  10. F

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    Yes, all of those things MIGHT occur... but most show very little signs of that, and honestly, how many people see their beef cattle that often to notice those differences. Unless you see a cow that is "off" and then have a vet do a blood test ( I think that it can show up in blood... but...
  11. F

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    I don't think it is being looked at in beef cattle because we do not see the same "drop in production" and loss of appetite as in dairy cattle, since it is very "observeable" since the obvious drop in milk is associated with drop in feed intake... How do you measure the drop in beef cattle...
  12. F

    Cow won’t lay down

    If the vet is giving you the meds then it is on them if something should be "illegal"... Since you said she is a show heifer, then I would just leave well enough alone. Don't get too worried about the "not laying down"... she will if she gets to the point she needs to. She may be afraid of...
  13. F

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    Heard a very short blurb on the radio this morning that the scare of the bird flu that was in several herds in different states,, has been studied under a couple tests, and it does NOT appear in the milk as originally speculated.......didn't manage to catch it all... anyone else heard anything?
  14. F

    Large Animal Vets are gone

    And then there's @gcreekrch ... who does most everything but never got the dvm after his name....;)(y)(y)(y). We have quite a few vet practices within an hour of here... several within 20 miles or less. We use one that is an hour away... they are large animal only, I think there are 5 vets...
  15. F

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Sorry for the bad luck... that is a real b#@$h.... good for you to have insurance... with the way things are right now, that's a good chunk of money laying there... So glad that someone could get some use of the meat under the circumstances...
  16. F

    Calf issues...

    Definitely sounds like selenium deficiency....although might be more than that.... I think that @gcreekrch said that low selenium is a cause of eye problems also...
  17. F

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    If you have him more than 2-4 days, it is very unlikely she will take him back... To make it easy on yourself and him... put him over a sq bale so his weight is not all on the front legs if they want to give out.... when you lift him and such... BoSe, B complex, and see... I think that a few...
  18. F

    Bottle feeding : how much

    Yeah, follow label directions on the LA.... since she is in, you are able to catch her to treat anyway...
  19. F

    Goat Milk Replacer for a Calf???

    The biggest difference in goat milk is it is naturally homogenized... which actually is supposed to make it more digestible. I know several people that raise calves on goats milk. I see no reason not to use it or to mix it with calf milk replacer...
  20. F

    Bottle feeding : how much

    Pinkeye has always responded to LA 2 or 300 for us... unless it is out to pasture and then we use Draxxin in the dart gun... she is in where you can get to her so I would stick with on oxytet... LA300....