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  1. K

    Fuzzy yearling steer

    If your going to the trouble to pour them just give then an injectable. If you must pour something pour ultra saber and prevent the ticks and flies.
  2. K

    Clipping pastures

    I ended up working so much this winter i didn't get it tested. That's a plan for this next winter. Already talked to extension agent about it.
  3. K

    Clipping pastures

    Here i have to manage what i have. Steep hills prevent me from spraying and killing everything and drilling back a friendly variety. Plus the seedbed would explode with possibly unwanted weeds if i did. Ky31 isnt perfect but managed well it is pretty cheap forage. To me controlling the...
  4. K

    Cherry tree leaves?

    Some good information posted. Kill every cherry tree in the pastures, but do it in the winter. Spraying the stump with Remedy or something will prevent sprouting. One good fact of rotational grazing is that you usually have a clean area to move them to if you have trees down. If you...
  5. K

    Clipping pastures

    Mark Reynolds, why would Ky31 not be your seed of choice. Managed well in my area it will produce more pounds of forage for the least input cost of anything growing here. And as i have stated before i can graze fescue 330 days a year.
  6. K

    Cherry tree leaves?

    Well i totally disagree with the amount being the same. Cows can and will eat leaves from a broken limb shortly afterwards without any advesrse effect. A few hours or the next day according to the weather the leaves will wilt and an even less amount will kill them.
  7. K

    Pink Eye?

    Whats your though of 1cc Pen and 1/2cc Dex in the outer membrane of the eyeball itself?
  8. K

    Clipping pastures

    It wouldn't hurt to let it go to seed every few years if you can keep the cows away from it.
  9. K

    Clipping pastures

    My cow numbers are way too low so i have lots of seedheads even though i rotate. I started clipping almost a month ago. I clip as soon as the fescue seedheads get high. Fescue will slow growth as the seedhead matures and will respond to clipping by increasing growth. I can't hay it either and...
  10. K

    Bvd questions

    If they are negative there should be no concern. How do you know you had an outbreak? We had 2 test positive at sale time 4 years ago from a closed herd with no other cattle nearby. Had a vet and vet students out and tested the whole herd and all came back negative. The vet thought it was spread...
  11. K

    Foot rot

    If you have an area they consistently walk through, spread dehydrated lime there.
  12. K

    Dehorning questions

    Oh, i use those occasionally when banding for other people. I knife cut anything i own. Never tried them on a horn though. I sure will try now.
  13. K

    Dehorning questions

    Who makes the square shouldered bands? Dont think i ever seen any. For years i bought bargains because they had horns and dehorned them. I have gotten weaker and it wears me out to use the wire to saw them off.
  14. K

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    The theileria is much more of an issue to worry about here also. 5% + of the cattle that are effected die.
  15. K

    Cow with badly swollen legs ?

    I have never seen one like her so was curious.
  16. K

    Cow with badly swollen legs ?

    Sorry to hear. Any idea what it was?
  17. K

    Cow won’t lay down

    If she is walking and eating she should be fine. It takes a while sometimes.
  18. K

    Cow won’t lay down

    Improper use of some drugs on the past is the reason for them being restricted now.
  19. K

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    I understand that. I have insured bulls in the past against lightning only. Of course lost cows and calves but not a bull.
  20. K

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Im just curious. I have insurance against damage done if the cattle might get out but none on the cattle themselves.