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  1. D

    Craigslist cattle

    I got to wonder. I check Craigslist occasionally. I never see these sorry looking, over priced, misrepresented cattle post around here. What is see is decent cattle that are generally priced a little above the market value. And actually very few cattle at all given the numbers of cattle...
  2. D

    Took one in

    On Wednesday at the sale there was 3 bull calves with very visible but dry navels (3 -4 days old). The sold for $160. There was some older (4 or 5 week old) well started calves sold for $400+. Of course the older and bigger they were the more they sold for. 99% of the cows around here have...
  3. D

    Took one in

    Cows are not pets. They are livestock raised to be butchered. All my decisions about cattle are made as business decisions. It will be a cold day in He77 when I make a pet out of a cow.
  4. D

    Took one in

    We already had about half a bag of milk replacer. Once that is gone we will decide. Another bag or a ride to town.
  5. D

    Took one in

    When we gathered off the hill last week there was one calf looking wimpy. Ran his mom into the chute. She had right next to no milk. So he is on the bottle and she got a ride to town today. Weighed 1,395 and sold for $1.35. I am not certain how much I paid for her so I used the average...
  6. D

    Fall Market?

    The cattle market looks strong. What can happen outside cattle that can or will effect the market? My crystal ball doesn't show any of those. If you are concerned look into LRP. You can put it on as many or as few head as you want. Using it at the lower level is pretty cheap. Doing that...
  7. D

    This is Crazy over $10/pound!

    That really makes no sense to me when I see 500 pound Holstein steers bring less than that.
  8. D

    Feeder futures

    Futures market relies on the shin shoe boys more than actual producers. LRP quote on steers under 600 for August. Their expected price is $2.8571. Top rate at 99.3% is $2.83 and cost $4.92 per cwt. The bottom of the scale is at 92.37% to get $2.63 and it cost $1 per cwt.
  9. D

    Feeder futures

    I don't know what the futures numbers were when this thread was started. But the board looks all green now. Fall feeder futures are at $2.61 and next April fat cattle futures are at 1.91. I learned a long time ago that the futures are not a 100% prediction on the future market but they are...
  10. D

    Close to $2.00 killer bulls

    Bulls at the sale last week were $1.55 to $1.67. Bigger bulls sold on the better end. Bulls weighing over a ton brought $3,600+.
  11. D

    Might be of interest

    The freight to get them here would be a killer. And they are use to all that grass on flat ground. My pasture would likely be a killer for them.
  12. D

    Pay day

    I went to the sale today. Kill cows were up to $1.38. I only saw 2 cows bring less than $1.25. A jersey and a crippled beef cow which both brought $1.05. A lot of big bulls. They all brought $1.55 to $1.67. The bigger ones sold for over $3,500. Pretty easy to sell and bull for that kind...
  13. D

    Pay day

    Just got home from the sale. Pairs were $2,500 to $2,600. There was 2 smooth mouth pairs I was considering buying. First pair brought $2,450, forget that. The second one I started it at $1,600 and took it up to $1,900 where I let the other guy have it. Young close up bred cows were $2,000+...
  14. D

    Pay day

    Motley. Took me a while to figure that out. It would be called brokle faced here. Once again regional differences in what something is called.
  15. D

    Feeder futures

    I went up the Alcan twice so I have seen your general part of the world and I know that it can be mighty remote. I do have the freeway which goes by. Very little traffic on it and almost none of that traffic is local people. Our little town only has a post office. It is said that the post...
  16. D

    Feeder futures

    Not as crowded as my area? One road going east/west. None going north/south. It is 15 miles west to the next place. There must only be 6 people other than you and yours in your area.. Trouble is no pasture for a dairy cow. She would have to live in the corral and get fed hay. That might...
  17. D

    Feeder futures

    Once the cows get turned out there is no need for a graft calf. And ranchers all have 300, 400, or maybe 1,000 cows. They have enough to do and feeding a bottle calf just adds another chore. I am thinking about checking out the price of milk replacer. But I don't know if it is worth doing...
  18. D

    Feeder futures

    Calving season is pretty much done here. The twins which were held for graft calves aren't needed and people don't like having to bottle feed them. There was about 8 black Angus calves at the sale on Thursday. For about a $150 average or less you could have had all of them.
  19. D

    Backyard grassers must have come to the sale.

    We have 4 assorted pickups. A 94, 97, 2000, and 2002. Not going to buy anything newer. The newest vehicle is a 2008 KIA that has almost 300,000 miles on it.
  20. D

    Backyard grassers must have come to the sale.

    One of the troubles is finding a pickup in 2024 that is as basic as a 1974 pickup. We and the auto industry need all these extras on our vehicles. All those extras add up to a lot of money. Dealers just don't even carry a pickup as plain Jane as the standard one was in 1974.