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  1. L

    Fancy eatin

    We generally get food to take home after church on Sundays but as far as eating steak or something out, I'd rather grill one of our steaks and drink a few beers while I do so, it's better and cheaper. I figure when we cook steaks and we both drink 3-4 beers each, that would be a $150 meal out...
  2. L

    What color would you call this cow?

    My wife and I were debating the color of this cow, she says it’s black, I call it brown. She text my son and daughter in law to get their opinion and son says black and daughter in law says brown. When she told daughter in law that I said brown also, daughter in law said she knew she was right...
  3. L

    Animal behavior and eclipse

    Shows about 4 minutes of total eclipse in my area and down into Texas.
  4. L

    Exchange student

    You get to pick the student from a list of many so getting one from Germany would be no problem. I'm not sure they will let your wife host a German though since she is from Germany, they want them to be in a home with a different nationality that speaks English. But doesn't hurt to check, they...
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    Exchange student

    Berlin is a melting pot of culture, there are a lot of Turkish. There were many muslims there as well, but of course they come from many different countries. They have gotten a lot of Ukranian refugees since the war.
  6. L

    Exchange student

    No, traveling like that you see many ethnic groups but I would say hispanics were very few.
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    Exchange student

    She graduates next year and plans to come back and visit right after. She wants to live in the US after she finishes college, probably in or near a big city since that is what she's used to. It was a great time, her mom cooked us many traditional German meals and her dad supplied us with some...
  8. L

    Exchange student

    We have been in Berlin since Friday, we flew out of Dallas Thursday morning to Newark, NJ then from there to Berlin. We fly back this Thursday. It’s been an exciting trip and we have seen many new things and have learned to use the public transportation on our own. We have seen the Berlin Wall...
  9. L

    Did ya ever sell a place then go back and look at it a few years later and think...

    I have a neighbor that I used to share a bull with, he has went out of the cow business, has about 30 acres of pasture. I asked about running cattle on it, he said his sister in law owns the area of the pasture where the pond and shade trees are and she has decided she no longer wants cows on...
  10. L

    Yesteryear Cowboys

    I've seen lots of real cowboys with pants legs tucked in, that's even how Gus McRae wore em. Around here you'll see lot's of cowboys and farmers wearing their boots with pants in them, not tucked in, more of just put the boots on and didn't take the time to pull the legs down over them. I do...
  11. L

    Here we are again

    I like the longer evenings that comes with DST but wish they would just leave the time like this year round. Arkansas put forth a bill to keep the time like this year round in Arkansas but it got shot down supposedly due to kids walking to school in the dark in the winter if time was to stay on DST.
  12. L

    Good thing he’s gentle

    He was patiently waiting for me to get him out, he carried it about 100’ from where it was.
  13. L

    Bass Reeves

    I watched it all around Christmas, I really liked it. I did a little googling and found it to be based on an actual person, I had heard of Judge Parker but never Bass Reeves.
  14. L

    Rain in the south

    Between the rain and the thawing from such a deep freeze, the ground has no bottom here. Places that haven't ever been muddy are now muddy. I put out hay yesterday and there is a road that goes from my house to the hay barn, we ran dump trucks on it a few weeks ago with no problem, my little...
  15. L

    When it is below zero.............

    Dual fuel is the best of both worlds and I feel the most efficient, cost a little more up front but more comfortable and efficient especially with that 90% + furnace. I had a few customers that were totally oppossed to heat pumps so I talked them into dual fuel like yours and they love it.
  16. L

    When it is below zero.............

    We have one in our basement (finished basement with stairway open to upstairs) except it is a blue flame instead of infrared. We have central heat pump up stairs, I have it turned to aux heat right now and set at 65 with the bluflame downstairs on high and a box fan at the bottom of the stairs...
  17. L

    Which describes you?

    It would stress me out to leave netting or string on a bale. I keep my hay in a barn so getting frozen isn't an issue for me but even before I did I always tried to figure out how to remove it. I'm always concerned I'll miss some and they'll eat it.
  18. L

    Sometimes you just do stupid stuff!

    :ROFLMAO:I have a thick beard and a handlebar mustache, having to shave that would stress me out much more than messing up my haircut for sure. I'm not sure anyone would know who I was clean shaven.
  19. L

    Sometimes you just do stupid stuff!

    I have my wife shave that part for me
  20. L

    Sometimes you just do stupid stuff!

    I cut my own hair weekly, not that hard, I use the shortest guard there is. Well this morning I forgot I had just taken the guard off and seen a spot I needed to touch up, this is the results 😂