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  1. G

    red clover

    cut a field of fescue and red clover yesterday...what would be best ...tedder with dew on or bar rake it couple times ...? thanks
  2. G

    Pink Eye?

    by all means will infect the whole heard....any and all methods discussed here will work
  3. G

    grazon next

    thanks all
  4. G

    grazon next

    a friend gave me 2 jugs of grazon next,it has turned dark and no telling how old it is. is it worth spraying and if so how much would you apply to a trying to kill dock,thistile and some type of vetch..?thanks
  5. G

    ladino clover.

    looking to broadcast some clover into hay fields next month.....what varieties have worked the best for you folks? i'm in middle tn.and the ones that are most avaiable are Will ,Companion and Advantage ..hoping to find some that can stand heavy grazing and grow tall enough to make some...
  6. G


    has anyone used the wormer that is added to minerial ..know safeguard makes 1 as well as couple others. was thinking of trying ,wondered if i'd be wasting my money?
  7. G

    Winter boots

    wife got me some habit boots at sams 3 years ago...have held up great ...wear them most every day with regular socks ..feet dont get cold....havent torn them up yet..think they sold for 30 bucks
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    scouring calf

    got a week old calf scouring ..comes out yellowish white...have given her 1 round of gentimicin...she acts like she feels good running and jumping.was wondering if cow was giving too much milk.?..any help is appreciated....happy new year to all.
  9. G


    need to sow 8 acres of pasture....weve been in drought for last 4 months here in middle tn...would you sew it now ..or wait till spring...thanks
  10. G


    need to sow 8 acres of pasture....weve been in drought for last 4 months here in middle tn...would you sew it now ..or wait till spring...thanks
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    Lime Question

    i was told carthage tn. has some of the best lime in middle tn.
  12. G


    is there a reasonably priced test that can tell if bull is polled and hair coat color.....need something for commerical bulls that is would test be done ..blood or hair?....thanks
  13. G

    simangus bull

    says middle tn. on profile....not sure why not coming up.............thanks everyone
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    simangus bull

  15. G

    simangus bull

    havent figured out how to edit profile yet
  16. G

    simangus bull

    sorry.....looking for black homozygous..lbw,calving ease...balanced or terminal bull is ok....
  17. G

    simangus bull

    looking for 14-24 month commerical simangus bull....white face prefered but not required . middle tennessee......thanks
  18. G

    bse test

    had bse test on 16 mo. old angus bull done failed him at score of 83,said tails on sperm were all curled question is will he get better in couple months ,can retest him in a month ......or is he a bad risk even if he passes test?
  19. G

    angus bull

    looking at 16 mo.angus bull papers on him but his grandfather is diamond m final answer...has traveler 71 ,sitz traveler 8180 blood also...was wondering if this might lead to feet problems...any help is appreciated..thanks
  20. G

    Whats wrong with Simmental cattle?

    just lost my simangus bull ive ever had.