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  1. D

    Cattle drive

    We have the roadside vegetation management team. That team is made up of cattle, horses, and mules. Oh, and White Lightning the pony. Being open range nobody worries about it. And it does work to keep what little traffic there is slowed down.
  2. D

    Cattle drive

    Sign left on the shoulder of the road. Evidence that several hundred cows and calves spent the night here. And the other two pictures show why you can leave cows here for the night. There is only 2 ways to go from here. Back down the road from where they came or up the road in the direction...
  3. D

    Cattle drive

    Yesterday B gathered about 250 pairs down into a trap. They branded the calves. Then they drove the herd up the road passed my place to where they got left for the night. This morning they will continue the drive up the canyon about 10 miles. I sat on my quad blocking the driveway. Took a...
  4. D

    A good day.

    Those aren't real coats. More like sweat shirts or jackets. Not everyone wants to live where you go out in shirt sleeves all the time.
  5. D

    Third bunch

    When we were looking to buy a ranch we looked at a place over in La Grande. Our realtor said they are farmers over there and not ranchers. And that ranchers have a mentality which tends to help each other out. When we bought this place here we found that the realtor's parents have ranch in...
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    Third bunch

    We generally have plenty of help. All from within our small community. The biggest benefit of this is it builds community. Neighbors helping neighbors. Sort of a lost art in a lot of this world.
  7. D

    Third bunch

    109! Now way. It was 32 with a very light frost at 5:30 this morning. Warmed up to shirt sleeve weather when we worked the calves around 10:00. Now at 5:15 pm it is about 50 degrees with light rain. 109 in May I wouldn't be looking for a summer home. I would have already moved.
  8. D

    Best laid plans

    Surprisingly it went amazingly smooth. The cow they had to drag out of the river a few weeks back cooperated. Three cowboys captured all the cows in one fairly quick pass. Branded and worked 15 calves and those 2 new cows I bought. They arrived around 9:00. Pulled out with the cows, calves...
  9. D

    Best laid plans

    So I went to the sale today. No intention to buy anything. I didn't take the trailer or my check book. So naturally I bought 2 pairs. I get home and call B to find out when we are catching the cows up on the hill. Should I work these cows when I get them home and kick them up the hill or...
  10. D

    Third bunch

    I see you use the same attachment method to hold the crate on the quad as I do. They are handy for carrying lots of stuff.
  11. D

    First branding done

    B puts the generator on the other side of a pickup to help block the noise. Far enough away that it is just back ground noise but close enough that you notice when it is running out of gas.
  12. D

    First branding done

    Nobody here uses calf tables. They all get roped and drug to the fire. We always have a few calves to clean up. Last year at my place there was only 5 come clean up. Rather than rustle up a couple ropers to do 5 calves we set up a calf table in front of the squeeze chute. After 5 calves...
  13. D

    First branding done

    Well we have seen evidence of how much Oscar gets done in a day. We use long cords at B's brandings with his generator. At my place there is a long cord coming out of the barn. It is dead silent. Most of the neighbors here use an old wheel rim with a fire built in it. Quiet but smokey...
  14. D

    First branding done

    You sit down while branding? Good thing you have Oscar to get the work done around there.
  15. D

    Best Cattle Crosses For Unassisted Calving

    That is what I thought. We figure ball park 5 acres per cow per month. And that is in country like this.
  16. D

    First calvers

    Yesterday we branded the calves. Today we had to sort off some pairs and we hauled the remaining 100 pairs off to their summer home. Two semi trailers and 3 stock trailers full of the cows. And 2 stock trailers stacked full of the little calves. Mixed in with the cows was half a dozen Angus...
  17. D

    Fun at brandings

    I got to thinking. The branding in the pictures was the Saturday before Easter Sunday. Shirt sleeves and not a coat in sight. Unlike yesterday where everyone was digging out their coat and buttoning it up. Low 20's this morning and it looks mighty frosty out.
  18. D

    Fun at brandings

    I think today was the 8th or 9th branding I have helped at this year. Two or three every week and others that I knew about but didn't attend. Some of them have too many people. Some of them not enough help. Today was about right. But it was about the most miserable weather. Which is saying...
  19. D

    Need working facility

    They can be. But I bought mine at a equipment auction for $800. It was new. You just need to take your time and search. I bought a chute with a crowd alley. Turned around and sold the chute for more than I had paid so I had a crowd alley for free. The only expensive thing in my set up was...
  20. D

    Need working facility

    I have about 3 flags, 2 rattle paddles, several assorted sorting sticks, and 2 hot shots. But my preferred method involves a couple of the well mounted cowboy neighbors and me sitting in the shade. When they get the job done I get them their preferred cold beverage out of the frig in the shop.