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  1. G

    grazon next

    thanks all
  2. G

    grazon next

    a friend gave me 2 jugs of grazon next,it has turned dark and no telling how old it is. is it worth spraying and if so how much would you apply to a trying to kill dock,thistile and some type of vetch..?thanks
  3. G

    ladino clover.

    looking to broadcast some clover into hay fields next month.....what varieties have worked the best for you folks? i'm in middle tn.and the ones that are most avaiable are Will ,Companion and Advantage ..hoping to find some that can stand heavy grazing and grow tall enough to make some...
  4. G


    need to sow 8 acres of pasture....weve been in drought for last 4 months here in middle tn...would you sew it now ..or wait till spring...thanks
  5. G


    need to sow 8 acres of pasture....weve been in drought for last 4 months here in middle tn...would you sew it now ..or wait till spring...thanks
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    Lime Question

    i was told carthage tn. has some of the best lime in middle tn.
  7. G

    DEF Fluid as source of Nitrogen

    priced urea couple weeks ago....$ 590 a ton here
  8. G

    texas pasture plus

    saw their ad on fbook ...was wondering if anyone here had used it in tennessee,have talked to the man that sells it here for them and he seems to think it lacks enough nitrogen for our soil.....wanted to use after first hay cutting......any help is appreciated
  9. G

    ryegrass vs wheatb

    been sowing ryegrass for several years now.havent had any volunteer come in,which is suprising because lots of crop fields are covered with it in the spring....crabgrass has been a lifesaver for me last few years but have talked with neighbors that have planted crabgrass that said it came in...
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    ryegrass vs wheatb

    been sowing 20lb. ryegrass per acre last few yrs...thinking might sow wheat next fall....know some of you thinking wheat might grow faster in winter and provide more grazing.....what would be cost difference and would you put fertiiize on it at sowing ? if so how...
  11. G

    Ryegrass and a hard freeze ?

    frost seeded some red clover last Feb.,sowed it before our last snow..........never came up
  12. G

    Ryegrass and a hard freeze ?

    mine got hit hard also...but is coming back slowly...growing slow tho....wish id put some fertilize on it ...but was afraid it wouldnt come up due to drought here in tn.
  13. G

    wheat screenings

    has anyone used wheat screenings to sow pastures...if so how much per acre and how did it do? in middle tn.............thank you
  14. G

    ryegrass seed price ?

    43.00 a bag here
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    has anyone heard of or in person put clover seed in mineral feeder to sow clover....?have heard that it works was wondering if it would hurt the cows or calves..or work at all ?....thank you
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    Cheap guidance system

    tried field navigator app......couldnt get any directions ..........if anybody actually knows how to make this work i'd really like to know....thanks
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    Sorghum Sudangrass after frost as balage

    is there any way to test the hay after baleing?
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    thanks all.
  19. G


    got 16 acres pasture been saving in case of dry spell..full of dalliasgrass....should i put cows on it now, top it first or wait till closer to frost then bushhog tops...?
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    does anyone know if after spraying pigweed as it starts to die if cows eat the seed pods and pass them will they come up?......thanks