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  1. J

    selling brand

    There was an ad in the shopper for a brand for sale. $4,000. How can you ask that much to transfer a brand? I have one I haven't used for 6 years. Cost $50 every 5 years to renew. Thinking I can make big $. Anyone explain this?
  2. J

    calf with smelly butt

    the neighbor got a bottle calf from us a couple weeks ago. the calf is 3 weeks old, and a very aggressive eater. she called this evening and said the calf has a real smelly manure. it is getting its 2 bottles of milk, and 3 to 4 quarts of water. 2 cups of calf starter pellets, and a little...
  3. J

    Angus bull to add frame

    any suggestions on a LBW angus bull that will add a frame to breed my heifers to?
  4. J

    another post to have fun with

    at a feed meeting last night, everyone had to stand up and tell a few "little known" facts about themselves. it was actually quite fun. I will start it. I could eat baked potatoes every day I own 28 white t-shirts (the wife counted them saturday) if my clothes come out of the dryer inside...
  5. J

    San Antonio, TX sale barns

    I am going to be in San Antonio on mon. and tues. and wondering if there were any sale barns in the area I should check out? thanks in advance.
  6. J

    preg rates

    I talked to my sister today, (Antonio TX area) she says they had a train wreck at preg check time, vet says it's wide spread due to the heat and drought this year? anyone heard anything similar?
  7. J

    farceur, heard of this bull?

    I plan on bidding on a cow bred to this bull, at a sale tommorrow. AAA reg. # 14823285 Also a heifer with a Mytty In Focus bull calf in her. anyone have calves from in focus?
  8. J

    angus, fixer bulls

    I realize, all of these things shoould be considered, but when you want to "fix" or add something to your herd what bulls comes to mind? as in EXT = good udders, 602C = good depth, ??? = excellent disposition, etc.....
  9. J

    low bw shorthorn bull

    The Mrs. has an angus heifer she wants to breed shorthorn. any reccomendation? needs some depth, and is a little sickle/cow hocked. need to keep a low bw, as the heifers dam is a +7.?. knowing nothing about shorthorns.......thanks in advance!
  10. J

    I was looking through a sale catalog and they have a blackcap lassie cow. is this a family line or a ranch name? I tried searching for information, but it seems everyone has a blackcap....Leachman blackcap, SAV blackcap Elba, blackcap lady, blackcap gtanduer, etc. just curious on the...
  11. J

    tips on getting cattle to load?

    brought the girls home from the pasture today, and getting them to load was a nighmare. the trailer holds 12 big cows comfortably. out of the 9 loads today, only 2 went well. otherwise someone goes in 3/4 of the way and parks sideways and refuses to push up to the front. i had the mrs...
  12. J

    negative SC

    I am looking at a catalog for a sale that is coming up in a couple weeks. I noticed there was no SC EPD for any of the cows or bulls. I punched a couple into and most of them have a negative EPD. Even as far as a -.57. I thought "the bigger, the better"? can someone help me...
  13. J

    ?'s from sale catalog

    I am planning on attending a dispersion sale in a few weeks, and am a little confused by a few things in the sale catalog. this is a dispersion sale of Angus cattle. What does it take for a cow to become a pathfinder? she is 13 years old, and her EPD's are fairly middle of the road. Her...
  14. J

    wash rack

    I was wanting to build a wash rack out side of the barn. the Mrs. just ties to a post now, but with the younger cattle they give her the run a round a bit. I saw one at a ranch sale the looked like something you could park a huge bicycle in, like the bike racks at grade schools, but never got...
  15. J

    weaning half the herd

    I have my steer calves sold and delivery is this weekend. I am not ready to bring home the heifers. what will happen if I leave the heifers on the calves? I asked a few around here, the only thing I heard besides a bunch of "i don't know"s is the neighbor lady thought there could be calf...
  16. J


    we helped the neighbor clean out an old shed she was going to tear down, and she had a bag of chickpeas she purchased last year and never planted. the Mrs. brought the #50 bag home, with the intentions of me planting it in a 5 acre yard we have. the big question is how? do the cows eat the...
  17. J

    drilling grass seed

    has anyone used a drill, like you would use to drill beans or wheat to inter-seed a pasture? Will that work as well as renting the conservation seeder from the extension center? advice, pro's, con's?
  18. J

    rye pasture

    I have a pasture that I planted pasture mix, and threw in some rye for a "cover crop". now I have alot of 6' tall headed out rye, mostly weeds, and a little pasture grass. lesson rye. What should I do now? cut the rye down, and hope the grass comes, and the rye does not reseed...
  19. J

    discharge 10 days after calving

    I have a heifer that calved a #72 calf, on her own, on may 1st. she cleaned with in a few hours after that. this am she had quite a bit of dark bloody, slimy discharge smeared on her rear. Is this normal this long after calving?
  20. J

    eye injury/illness

    I have had an occasional cow in the summer grazing period with pink eye, in the past, that has cleared up with a dose of LA or Penn. and a patch. I now have heifers with January/February calves in a lot, and have had to treat 4 cows and 3 calves with in the past 3 weeks for what appears to be...