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  1. C


    It looks fairly comparable in price, terms and equipment to the Starband system I use. In the almost six years I’ve been on Starband I’ve had some equipment problems such as modems going out. Very time consuming to get a human on their tech support line and it’s a challenge to get them to swap...
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    favorite deer rifle

    Guess I’m plain and old fashioned. For deer the 30.06 never broke so I haven’t fixed it. All mine are scratched and ugly on the outside and clean and bright on the inside. That’s the way I am with shotguns and rifles. They work for me, not the other way around.
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    Lets Give Cypressfarms a Hand!

    Congratulations, cypress
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    Dick cheney

    Just got to this thread after seeing the other. Looks like several participants have never hunted quail. If you’re in good quail with good dogs you can easily walk/run 20 miles in a day. If you’re middle aged or older you’re going to get in a pickup between covey rises. You work the dogs...
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    Latest on Cheney

    I’d rather go hunting with Cheney than driving with Kennedy.
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    ants and electricity

    There’s definitely something about electrical fields that ants like. They have been the demise of contact points in many a relay. If it’s somewhere that you don’t care about the grass or landscaping it might not hurt to soak the ground with fuel or dirty oil. By accident of course (for the...
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    Snot slinging

    Across the top of the nose is the sweet spot to land a blow on a cow. It makes an odd hollow sound when you really connect and they HATE taking a shot there. I agree with Texan and with Dun. Don't wait to apply it, make it count and don't do it without a plan of retreat, such as into the bed...
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    New Guru-CherokeeRuby

    Hmmm. Ida thunk thada happened way back there somewhere. Way to go Ruby.
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    Ann Coulter nails it with her typical insight and wit... Calvin and Hobbes – and Muhammad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 8, 2006 © 2006 Ann Coulter As my regular readers know, I've long been skeptical of the "Religion of Peace"...
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    Atta girl Milkmaid. It’s a pleasure reading what you have to say.
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    They’re stinking hypocrites. Check out ... E_ID=48697
  12. C

    Where do you weigh your cattle?

    Thanks for the vote of confidence LA. lakading, he's right. I guess I didn't make myself clear enough. I was talking about making selling decisions and scales not being necessary for that. A rancher hardly ever buys calves so there's no need for scales on that end. If buying private treaty I...
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    Where do you weigh your cattle?

    IMO an order buyer who, after seeing calves go across the scales, has to change them to different orders on a regular basis isn’t worth his salt. But, back to the point, scales simply aren’t necessary for a cow/calf operation. You can generally eyeball them to within +/- 25 pounds and that’s...
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    Gas heater parts

    I'll give these places a try. Thanks
  15. C

    Where do you weigh your cattle?

    If you’re a rancher running commercial cattle you measure with your eyeballs.
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    Leasing farm for oil/gas exploration?

    There is no set bonus or royalty percentage that is considered "fair." It will vary widely depending on numerous factors. A few would be which particular play you have in question, seismic results near your specific location, log data from any old wells near you, oil and/or gas, the amount of...
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    Just playing with the camera (dialup warning)

    Salty I’d hate to have to put up with all that snow but it’s a fine sight from here. Beautiful country.
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    Where do you weigh your cattle?

    In that case you could haul them to a public scale. You would have to sell a trainload of calves to make a scale pay for itself.
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    Where do you weigh your cattle?

    Why not just agree on a price and buy them by the head?
  20. C

    Gas heater parts

    Ollie I believe it's a Ray Glow. I'll have to pull the cover off to verify and find a m/n. Might have to fab some out of stainless. I've been told that putting a piece of screen wire in the orifice works great but it doesn't seem like that would last. Anybody know where to get stainless...