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    CT Roll-Call

    Rarely. Stupid phone keypad. Cant see it anymore.
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    CT Roll-Call

    Here! Rately log on, but still lurking.
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    farms along the way

    Just read this and wanted to let u know you will be about 30 minutes East of me when you go through Statesville NC.
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    coyote kill

    Had 2 coyotes trying to drag a day old calf under the barbed wire a few years back. The cows and calves lay next to a creek bottom in the shade with their backs towards a thicket on a fence row. My neighbor was wiring up a floodlight on the front of my barn and he and I heard the cows balling...
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    Lightning Bugs

    I live in western NC in the foothills region. Last year my wife and I spent hours each night just watching the lightning bugs. There seemed to be more than ever. The soybean field and trees were covered. It almost looked like Christmas lights that had been hung in the trees. Its still a...
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    900 lb bull

    I had a guy I am friends with place a first calf cow and her 6 month old bull calf in my pasture to hold until he moved his bulls around. The six month old bull and his momma were in there for about a week. I was to place my bull in the pasture in about a month and a half, Angus bull to be...
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    Do you agree with your state?

    Its hard to beat a "Hot n Now" Krispy Kreme donut! They really do melt in your mouth! Once in a while they have a promotion where they give away free donuts and the lines are really, not literally, miles long to get in their stores. I'd say Lance cheese and p-nut butter crackers ranks high on...
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    No shellfish

    I cant remember the verses but while my wife and i were reading the new testament it states that people will try and talk others out of eating certain foods. The verses also say that it is ok to eat meats, etc.. as long as you pray over the food and bless it.
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    Eric Garner Case

    I work in law enforcement as my "off farm job" and lots of folks never see the good side of what is done by law enforcement. If the "media," and I put about as much faith in them as I do a rabid skunk, would shed light on the good and not the bad, we probably would not be seeing all of this...
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    Good brand of chainsaw?

    My dad and I have a couple of homelites from the 70's that wear will wear your butt out after a while, but are really good saws. My dad found an older stihl farm boss that someone had lost in the road off their truck. It weighs a ton too, but a good saw. My dad uses a newer stihl which he...
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    When I was young I would say, " boy I sure do wish I could do this or that", and my dad or grandpa would respond, "Shyt in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first". When someoe would get hurt or get really sick my great grandpa would say that they just about got to play...
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    Might be moving to North Carolina

    Hi shutskytj, I am about an hour or so west of Winston Salem. We have several shows in the area and the Dixie Classic Fair is right in Winston. A couple of past American Angus Association presidents live about 30 minutes away from Winston. NC Hereford Assocaition has its yearly sale...
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    Snakes & Ticks

    My son, who is 4, saw a black snake yesterday while i was mowing the yard. The snake, about 3 foot, came slithering out of the old smokehouse and headed for the pasture behind the house. My son was sooo excited that he saw it before I did.
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    So Long Marine

    Buried my great uncle on March 27th. He was 90 and a WWII Army veteran. Last WWII vet that was in our family. Simple prostate biopsy led to his demise! While doing the procedure he had a heart attack. Still drove everyday and went to Bojangles for breakfast a few times a week.
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    New Tractor Decision

    I bought a case 75 hp about 8 years ago brand new from dealer. it is mfwd and it had a loader. $27500 with no cab. I have loved this tractor. A friend of mine up the road has a new holland tn 75 about the same year model. he is heavey equipment mechanic and swears the Case is a better...
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    Cow Mauling

    I run full hereford cows and angus X's. The only cow that has ever showed me what the ground looks like is a hereford. I've ran hereford bulls, angus bulls, and now have sim-angus bulls. Angus bulls are a little more aggressive in my opinion, but I still treat them all the same. I don't turn...
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    Home Depot

    Lowes started about 20 miles from where I am located. The old building is still there where it began. Lowes has always offered superior customer service compared to home depot around here. Home Depot has been around maybe 10 years or so in this area. I still drive to Sipe Wholesale Lumber for...
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    Don't Meet Someone to settle a score!

    Thanks for the positive comments. I am not saying what Cleon did was right, but I just wanted to throw a little real life in there. Some folks could take looking over there shoulder for the rest of their life, but I guess Cleon couldn't. I've been in this profession for about 15 years...
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    Don't Meet Someone to settle a score!

    I have been watching this thread and I decided I need to throw my 2 cents in as well. No one knows how they will respond when a man who has a dangerous reputation with nothing to lose threatens you. I will make the admission openly that I am in law enforcement and I know I will be dam*ed by...
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    Loading cattle from a corral ring?

    I will try to, but I am not very good at this technology stuff!