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  1. A

    Lost a set of twins i think

    No were good. Have 3 more starting to get close to birthing.
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    Lost a set of twins i think

    I did not check for any overbite or underbote but they seemed ok. Only thing i did was checked sex and weigh them
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    Lost a set of twins i think

    We try for a march 1st till mid april calving but was unable to seperate the bull from the cows last spring due to rebuiling fence on one pasture so even though they all dropped calves between feb 27th and april first last year he had them bred back really fast with the first calf dropping jan...
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    Lost a set of twins i think

    I got a stock trailer to repair right now. Needs a new jack so trying my hand at welding after 20 years
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    Lost a set of twins i think

    Checked with my mentor no extra calves from her herd will keep the cow. She is a good momma
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    Lost a set of twins i think

    Just weighted them 51 and 53 pounds. Usually 75 to 80 pounds last 2 years. So i am 99% sure they were twins.
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    Lost a set of twins i think

    No both were pretty big they are in the truck wanted to weight them tonight and see
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    Lost a set of twins i think

    Went out this evening to water to cows and old #7 w as s standing in the straw pile. Went to check her out and she had a dead bull calf at her feet can't really tell what happend but took pictures. Walked around checking the other mommas and found a second dead vull calf about 20 yards away. He...
  9. A

    Bull throws 75% female calves

    We got our first batch of calves on the ground from a new bull 9 calves lost one in the big storm all the rest came out fine. so far we have 3 bull calves and 5 heifers with another cow out there right now tail up and hiding from the herd watched her for about a half hour till she laid down will...