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  1. L

    EPD vs Actual Performance

    A friend and I have been debating which value is more important when looking at a bull. He said he won't look at a bull if actual weaning weight is less than 700 lbs. I say that doesn't matter as much as EPD for weaning weight because there are many variables such as creep feeding, pasture...
  2. L

    Calves Dropping Year Round

    My dad bought a herd several years ago that were calving year round. We had the vet preg check and sorted into fall and spring calving herds based on the result. Then, we started culling to tighten the two calving seasons.
  3. L

    Full-time or part-time bull

    We are similar to hillbilly beef man. The bulls get moved between herds every 6 months. I don't want to keep bulls in a separate pasture. We preg check to identify late breeders to sell. She's worth more as a late bred cow than an open cow.
  4. L

    Fall calving vs. Spring calving

    We calve about 60% of our cows in the fall. Our two biggest reasons are calving in dry weather and better conception rates on our fescue pastures. We only give our fall cows good quality fescue/brome hay with no supplementation other than mineral. The cows do look a little rougher at weaning...
  5. L

    Calf with bad feet

    The feet aren't rolling like you would see on the front. It's going the other way. It's almost walking on the dew claws. I don't think I want to shoot the cow (she looks fine and will probably go to the sale barn after this), the bull (had for 3 years a couple hundred other calves with no...
  6. L

    Calf with bad feet

    We had a calf born and it has a problem with its back feet. He's walking on the heels instead of the toes. I have seen it before and chalked it up to "one of those things". We would just keep it back for butchering. I was thinking this could be corrected. Does anyone have any tricks for fixing...
  7. L

    cow with hurt back legs

    I would say it's a pinched nerve. We had one just like that. She still had a calf on her and started looking rough. We put her up by herself and gave Predep/LA200 shots. She is looking much better. Her feet are starting to straighten out. We made sure to give her high quality feed, because she...
  8. L

    multiple bulls with herd?

    We have been running 2 bulls year round without any trouble. We always buy them together so they're the same age. We never split them up. As far as the who's your daddy question, we but try to buy half brothers that are the same frame.
  9. L

    early weaning

    I think that's a little young. I'm not sure a calf's rumen is fully developed at 3 months. They will eat grass and hay but may not get the full value. If I were concerned about running out of forage, I'd consider selling as pairs.
  10. L

    How many cows

    I would think a 2yo bull will cover 27 cows. Another thing to remember is how large an area the cows are on. If you have a 40 acre pasture, he's doing a lot of running to find cows in heat. We always figure a bull will cover more of our fall calving cows because we are feeding hay and have them...
  11. L

    Fenceline weaning Updated 5-27

    We do fenceline weaning with high tensile electric. The calves have to be used to the fence. They will stand about 3 feet away and ball. We used to wean with corral fencing, but the cows would let them suck through the fence. We always wean during the waning phase of the moon (between full and...
  12. L

    breeding father to there daughter

    We have always avoided it. However, accidents happen and the bull sometimes decides he wants to go through a fence or two. I know of guys doing this but their rule was never keep the offspring for breeding purposes. I think it opens you up for issues.