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  1. J

    What's wrong with this picture

    " I have never seen such a gross negligence of the media and politicians in declaring Zimmerman guilty. I have never seen reporting so biased as to edit 911 calls to make him appear racist. I have never seen a news network get off for such misconduct so easily." Bet you never saw a black muslim...
  2. J

    What's wrong with this picture

    "f this was my kid, walking around, and some maniac came and hunted him down, pulled a gun on him, I would not be calling this an accident, " Well then, if it was MY kid, #1 , he wouldn't have been wearing a hoodie. #2 he wouldn't have been out walking around a neighborhood in the rain in the...
  3. J

    What's wrong with this picture

    About a 50-50 chance any way you cut it-----------A. It was him----- or B. It wasn't him :lol2: :deadhorse:
  4. J

    What's wrong with this picture

    Whatever happens in court, you can rest assured that Eric Holder is gonna jump all over it. He has already as much as said that a white shooting a black is a crime, while a black shooting a white IS NOT ! Gotta get them black votes...... :hide:
  5. J

    What's wrong with this picture

    Goodness gracious! Turn them loose, and in only 150 years you expect them to act like humans??
  6. J

    What's wrong with this picture

    I fear that we ain't seen nothing yet............. Depending, of course, on what happens in November.
  7. J

    What's wrong with this picture

    I think it's becoming more and more apparent exactly who it is that wants rioting in the streets. When will HUMAN BEINGS ever learn............
  8. J

    Scam I Haven't Seen Before

    Latest around here are from some credit bureau saying that your recent bank transaction was refused, the IRS saying that your appeal was denied, and the BBB regarding a consumer complaint that they need more info on. All have a link to click on to get more information. I figure they are the...
  9. J

    Oil Prices

    He has certainly been doing an excellent job of making things worse. All of his royal edicts and policies have been exactly 180 degrees off from what they should have been. It's time for some hope and change. Personally, I'm hoping we can change presidents (before it's too late).
  10. J

    Whitney Houston is dead!

    Is she still dead ?? :???:
  11. J

    Another freedom taken away

    Kind of amazing what gets posted and what doesn't............. :hide:
  12. J

    Another freedom taken away

    The rest of the story, Hook?? The little girl is FOUR YEARS OLD for crying out loud!!! You think she even had ANY idea what was going on? Let's hear the "rest of the story" when they come to inspect the contents of your refrigerator...........
  13. J

    Whitney Houston is dead!

    I can not believe the amount of time that is given to her death on the "mainstream media". :???: Probably rivals the Kennedy assassination. Sign of the times, I suppose......
  14. J

    Texas Boy's and Girl's

    Got another .6" around here. Good for the dirt, but we haven't gained a drop in the tanks. We keep getting a little bit, but spaced out by a week or so. Need a real "turd floater" to get some runoff going.
  15. J

    New House Pics

    I'd sure get another bid before I did anything rash. Other than that, the 2 steers sounds like quite a deal.
  16. J

    Taxes going to be fun this year

    Went by the tax lady the other day to get a projection. Looks like it will be about $6000 more due than usual. I went ahead and sent in an estimated tax payment. Probably won't have $6000 when April 15 rolls around.
  17. J

    Food for a hangover

    Menudo !
  18. J

    No Good Deed Goes Unpunished......

    That is absolutely insane!! If they did that kind of enforcement around here, there would not be any government revenue problems. They could probably knock out 25 or 30 of those tickets each day by just hanging out around the various sale barns. Sounds like you guys must have your own...
  19. J

    Daughters new addition

    Gotta say, she don't look too happy about being a mommy. Same here about the "tan". Would not have made it into my house...........
  20. J

    On the brighter side.....

    Our county judge has ended the ban on barbecuing that has been in effect for several months. :clap: Don't know what happened, but the burn ban is still in effect. Maybe a lot of pressure from the barbecuing public. It was really hard on the fundraisers around here. :tiphat: