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  1. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    It Can't Be

    We got about 4" here twice so far and it stuck on the ground. A low of 11 degrees this winter also! This winter has sucked!
  2. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Duck or Bunny?

    At first I saw a duck then the bunny. I suppose my answer should be duck huh?
  3. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Old Farm Tools for $1000

    Home made gaf?
  4. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    New Faces - Lots of Pics

    Bunch of good lookin calfs. Hope they do well for ya.
  5. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Nothing Worse

    Keep us posted,sounds serious. I wish you all the best!
  6. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Nothing Worse

    Well, how did it go ya old dog ?
  7. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Nothing Worse

    Tell him you want to be put out. You won't feel a thing. Some good pain meds for after and you are good to go.
  8. Mahoney Pursley Ranch


    I did check the aspect ratio setting on the tv and the converter box and all I get is less than full screen or less than that full screen. :lol:
  9. Mahoney Pursley Ranch


    I bought a converter box for the tv in the guest bedroom. That tv is on rabbit ears only and before the box I only got one major network out of Dallas and it was snowy. Now I get a bunch of channels that are all crystal clear and all the local channels. The only thing new that I don't like is...
  10. Mahoney Pursley Ranch


    20 - 30 mph winds here all day,gusts up to 42. They are saying possible nasty t-storms tomorrow. High and new record today of 82 degrees. More like spring than winter.
  11. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Horrible Tragedy

    My prayers and condolences to all for a sad loss.
  12. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Freezer Beef

    Forgot about bones :oops: Can't eat bones though. :lol2:
  13. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Freezer Beef

    Why would you get less weight for all hamburger than you would for steaks and roasts? All the trimmed off useless meat goes to burgers,should be the other way around.
  14. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Freezer Beef

    Thanks for all the advice.
  15. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Freezer Beef

    Thanks for all the help. I want to butcher one for our freezer and the Brides sisters freezer.
  16. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Freezer Beef

    So if I butchered at 10-12 months,hence a lighter animal (less meat) would the quality of the beef be affected?
  17. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Freezer Beef

    If you were going to have one of your young bulls butchered ,at what age/weight would you have it done ? Would it have to be castrated or would a intact animal be ok ? Thinking about filling the freezer.
  18. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    This picture needs a caption!

    I know there's some fishin worms down here somewhere.
  19. Mahoney Pursley Ranch

    Things are getting very scary here.

    The oil companies and the oil cartels are going to screw us one way or the other.