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  1. V

    Where would you go ?

    On second thought, they must have come over here for a reason.
  2. V

    Where would you go ?

    That was my first thought. Or maybe one of the Scandinavian countries. Probably Norway since that's where my ancestors on my Mom's side were from.
  3. V

    Craigslist prize bulls

    Please allow me to give a brief recap: "Berry-Moo" is a Pinzgauer cow that is a bit stand-offish, which can be said of many females in many species. Last year she blessed us with twin bull calves, Ben and Jerry. Ben and Jerry are for sale for $1200 each. Ben and Jerry's daddy is a Wagyu named...
  4. V

    How about some great supporting actors/actress's

    There are so many, but the first one that popped into my feeble mind was Tommy Lee Jones. I've always liked him, especially in Coal Miner's Daughter, The Fugitive, and Lonesome Dove. George Kennedy was always good, too, especially in Cool Hand Luke.
  5. V

    Monty pythons inspiration

    Can you imagine how hard it would be to get a customer service rep on the phone if these people start nuking each other? Makes me shudder.
  6. V

    My wife's gone and tossed gas on the fire

    As far as i'm concerned, he's already crossed the line. As easy as it is to verify military service, I'm always amazed at the number of people that think they can get away with this kind of crap.
  7. V

    Facist Italian Dagger

    .....and still dangerous. ;-)
  8. V

    what about this sicko sandusky?

    Make sure you get out and vote. Your state is considered a tossup right now and it's electoral votes will go a long way in deciding this election.
  9. V

    Facist Italian Dagger

    And we didn't even have to look for it!!
  10. V

    Feelin old and nostalgic today

    Only one I've had a problem with so far was 25, too. I thought of it as being on the downhill side towards 30 and at that age 30 seemed old to me. Another year and a half and I'll turn 60. That might be a problem. We'll see. Either way, I figure growing older is better than the alternative.
  11. V

    TV legend dies

    OK, now I'm ready to answer. When I said I don't care what an entertainer's politics are, I meant that I wish they would keep it to themselves. Of course, they have a right to express their views the same as anyone else, but they have to understand that they might lose some fans. This holds true...
  12. V

    TV legend dies

    Damit, Vic, quit trying to make me think!! ;-) I'll try tomorrow when I'm not so ragged out from working in this dam heat.
  13. V

    Have you ever wanted to........

    My boss is on vacation this week. The supervisor that runs the section next to ours is technically in charge but I'm pretty much running the place by default. The guy is personable enough but he's the laziest, most unorganized, worthless POS manager I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of them...
  14. V

    TV legend dies

    I couldn't care less what an entertainer's politics are. Their job is to entertain and Andy was one of the best as far as I'm concerned. I will miss him.
  15. V

    Dark Dark Day

    Sorry, CB. Losing a good dog really hits hard even though you know it's gonna happen some day. There are some things you just can't prepare yourself for.
  16. V

    what about this sicko sandusky?

    That's what gets me about this whole thing. This could have been stopped years ago if people had the guts and decency to bring this out in the open. The good news is that federal prosecutors are looking into the cover up. Many more heads could, and should, roll before this thing is over with...
  17. V

    good friends

    Three of my favorites: ... 084739337#
  18. V

    what about this sicko sandusky?

    Yes, and there had to be a lot more that knew what was going on since these things happened over a number of years with a number of young boys. Coaches, players, administrators, even some parents of the boys from what I've heard. Some of them HAD to suspect something and no one had the balls to...
  19. V

    Quittin Club, how's everyone doing?

    Been smoking for about 40 years now with no quitting in sight. Tax here on a pack goes up another 98 cents in a few days. When it gets up to $10 a pack, I'm quitting. I swear. My hat's off to anyone that smoked or chewed at one time and quit. I know it's not easy.
  20. V

    Need Your Prayers

    I'm so sorry. Was just with two of our grandsons earlier this evening. I can't begin to imagine the pain you and your family are feeling right now. May God bless all of you.