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  1. J


    I'm not saying if he is a bad guy or not, but we grew up being taught to mind our own business. not saying you did wrong or not. but if you stick your nose in someone's business you may get it broken. criminals always do what they want & they will always be let back out. so decide if you want a...
  2. J


    bleach will work to kill some weeds & brush
  3. J

    what about Canada geese?

    lots of them stay here all winter, why are they even protected anymore. don't see how they keep them out of towns water supplies
  4. J

    bse tested cow positive

    they say it was a beef cow 12 years old. they say they are going to cull that guys herd down. what was he thinking when he sent that thing anyway. it will cost us all now. cost him a lot more than the pennies he made on her at the time
  5. J

    I'm a thinkin...

    don't read them if you don't want to
  6. J

    Deer tick

    cowgirl, where did you say you live? i think i'm going to be out there starting my poll next week
  7. J

    price of barbed wire

    43 dollars here for oklahoma wire. i use hedge or white oak posts that i cut. t-posts will break if something runs in to them.
  8. J

    yall win im gone

    darn green willow, i thought you & i were the only perfect ones, but now i am beginning to have my doubts about you. ha! ha!
  9. J

    yall win im gone

    bigbull, love to read your posts, never let small minds think they won. stick with us. good argument teases the brain & keeps it sharp. just don't let them get to you. if they want to argue & you don't just ignore them. people asking the question will sort out the truth most of the time. hang in...
  10. J

    a salt question

    was proved years ago that cows do not know what they need for minerals. some minerals have as much as 40% salt & others have very little. i try to adjust salt to mineral so they eat about as much mineral as required per cow
  11. J

    RFD tv sale

    i'll second that copeman
  12. J

    Selling the family farm?

    looks to me as the gov actually owns the land & you buy the right to rent it for so much a year by paying taxes. don't pay & they will take it back in a hurry
  13. J

    land prices

    talked to a lady at farm show, that used to live in this area, said she was barely making a living here & moved to kansas city & was making 90,000 a year. wouldn't take too many years to buy a farm. been telling people to let hunters hunt or they will just buy every farm that comes for sale &...
  14. J

    Selling the family farm?

    they are buying it here for crp payments & hunting
  15. J


    any cattlemen's organization you could get behind you . why don't you fence it so they can't get in if you have the deed. then file suit against them for dumping on your land. they will then have to disprove your claim in court.
  16. J

    land prices

    low interest & a good job or a rich uncle
  17. J

    Sale of pairs

    if the guy bringing them in thought they were bred, he should have had them do a preg check. but some don't, so you can't be sure. my son just bought three like this, but he doesn't care if they were bred or not, cause if they aren't, they will get bred by one of his bulls & freshen in the spring
  18. J


    florida is like a different country,so it is hard to say & lawyers are real expensive down there. seems as though you have a case, but it will probably cost you
  19. J

    How to pick good pasture

    here , it makes real good pasture. yours should if the guy using it put anything back into the soil. ask how his crops looked the last few years. his neighbors could tell you. if crops were good grass will be
  20. J

    Whatcha think bout this?

    tell her to check the bible about what she should eat & check with some doctors & she will find a true vegetarian will need something to keep her body healthy