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  1. annmariemz23

    Shooting in the foot

    My neighbor sells to people in the San Francisco Bay area and gets $12/lb for his grass fattened meat. However, he has to find someone to kill and hang it, and then drive 2 hours to a slaughter facility and then deliver to the people. He is starting to wonder if it is worth it. Not enough...
  2. annmariemz23

    What they should look like.

    Having to schedule so far in advance is ridiculous! It is so frustrating for us!!! How can we lobby to get this changed? We need more USDA inspectors and more small facilities. Our local Farm Bureau president said, "We have a government of the government, for the government, and by the...
  3. annmariemz23

    Grind into burger

    We had a cow show up from the mountains who jumped into the neighbor's bull pasture and lived there entertaining the bulls for 2 months before we could go get her. She was a pain to get, and it took three people to finally incarcerate her. She chose the wrong day to pull that stunt given that...
  4. annmariemz23

    Grain/Grass finished.

    My experience with grass-fed beef has been that when the grass is green (maybe when it is growing rapidly in the spring?) the meat will taste "grassy." I suppose if there are onions in the mix, it will have an onion flavor. It is the same as the milk from the milk cow. But "terrible" is a...