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  1. P

    Bull shopping

    Saturday in ElReno....
  2. P

    Post a pic of your bull

    the last one.... pretty intensive care they give to their cattle and I'm guessing approximately 0% on here would like to get the government involved in their breeding program...
  3. P

    Post a pic of your bull

    video #2...and I'll post the last one after I watch this one
  4. P

    Post a pic of your bull

    New Zealand farmer goes to Japan. I found this interesting
  5. P

    We did it

    No trimmings? If you got all the steaks you could and then the trimmings and what not as burger that's fine...but it can't really be all steaks.
  6. P

    Production sale

    If you spend the $500 for the additional catalogs and get 2 extra buyers, actual bidders/buyers, you'll get that $500 least. I guess what I'm trying to say is you already spend a boatload of cash, so why not increase your exposure.
  7. P

    Brahma cross

    I watched that sale for a little while today...400 to 500lb bull calves for over $300/100#... thought you would crush it
  8. P

    F-1 Wagyu

    Interesting to me...beef was illegal to eat in Japan until about 1870...good info on Wagyu His other videos have good info in them too if you're interested in that stuff
  9. P

    Decisions Decisions 2022 bulls

    Something tells me your math will be right on if they all sell. I seem to recall you posting that you have clients for them and previously turned some buyers away, so you'll be ok. Just a hunch.
  10. P

    Lot 1 GAR Sale

    Pretty much nothing other than they're really pounding out the calves by Hometown. So I'm guessing their opinion of him is very high and from what I noticed, they draw lots of money for those calves.
  11. P

    Lot 1 GAR Sale

    I know you don't need info from me, just pointing out that in that sale were 179 GAR Home Town bull. calves. ..that was almost 1/2 of them. Not sure what that's on page 10 here...
  12. P

    Lot 1 GAR Sale

    Bag on them all you want....but $450k for being a 1/2 partner on the lease with no possession says they're doing something right.
  13. P

    How long?

    Good thing people have brains and the ability to learn, usually
  14. P

    How long?

    What does it matter? Is this costing you money or somehow confusing people in your market what cattle are? Does it really matter how long this fad or trend lasts? Again, how is this affecting you?
  15. P

    How long?

    You're correct, however probably every person that is buying a mini isn't looking at it from your perspective. They're not in the beef business and profit is not a consideration.
  16. P

    Belgian blue cattle

    Am I the only one that thinks about the roid eaters that hang out in the gym when seeing those bulls?
  17. P

    Bull buying mission

    Ha...and the black mottled are called Orca?
  18. P

    That ear in action

    It's one thing to call somebody an idiot, but....well...
  19. P

    F-1 Wagyu

    This just floors me that somebody would actually take a project about 25% of the way to completion...why in the hell would you take waygu to a sale barn? that pains me to actually read really does
  20. P

    I did it again.

    That's a dandy calf...if you put him on Craigslist people will probably want to hire you thinking you have mad photoshopping skills