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  1. C

    Glad I didn't sell her

    I sure don't share your concern Raven, that good members of CT will be offended by your presentation. Unless you fancied your position to be unquestionable, maybe even a faith, I can't see where this would be a concern. You've even gone as far as to demonstrated that even the highest esteemed...
  2. C

    Glad I didn't sell her

    Are you saying that there is a disagreement and some scientists believe humans are the most highly evolved species and some do not? And are you saying that there is a disagreement between scientist in how to classify animals?
  3. C

    Glad I didn't sell her

    So it appears your answer will somehow involve a chart that has stopped at the phylum level. I believe I am quoting your directly with the following: "Science has established a taxonomic hierarchy that places plants and animals "above" or "below" others based on their ancestral history."...
  4. C

    Glad I didn't sell her

    It is a very simple question Raven. It appears you've selected taxonomy as your accepted basis of classifying life. Surely then, you can utilize this system you accept as the gold standard to explain where humans fall in relation to other animals.
  5. C

    Glad I didn't sell her

    I'm curious as to your belief. Is it your position that humans are inherently positioned above all other animals? Are they equal? Or are they beneath some, most or all?
  6. C

    My deep though of the day (Dinosaurs)

    I hope your being lost was not because of this post: It was intended to be in response to this post:
  7. C

    My deep though of the day (Dinosaurs)

    You obviously have misunderstood the gentleman from Kentucky. In Kentucky, improper or less than stellar use of the English langues is just uniqueness. "How someone talks or writes is as unique to them as the shape of their nose or the color of their eyes." Referenced here...
  8. C

    My deep though of the day (Dinosaurs)

    This statement may have been just as sincere. Your biased opinion in stating otherwise is not objective and lacks any supportive evidence. So a retraction appears appropriate.
  9. C

    Some folks will do anything to win, and still lose.

    TG, Best comparison I can make this. Just found out that the neighbor's boy has a drug problem. The counselor they were trying to use told them, EVERYTHING he says is a lie, EVERYTHING. If he says' the sky is blue, he's lying- it's probably night. So the boy will be going on a surprise...
  10. C

    we had a farm accident..

    You can break them walking into McDonald's DB. I did that. Still makes me want to throw up. We can't be perfect. Can only do our best. He'll treasure the time he gets to spend helping you more than you will know. Glad he's feeling better.
  11. C

    Do you pick up hitch hikers?

    Parents driving her back to A&M? :hide:
  12. C

    Stepping back into history

    I was going to post an online topo map link that has pretty decent detail, but then I remembered who I was talking to and figure you have all the maps you need.
  13. C

    Health care/Medicare?

    I've definately not seen numbers to prove this true. Matter of fact, i've seen numbers showing the opposite.
  14. C

    Health care/Medicare?

    You are creating the straw man, i'm using common sense, logic, and laws of economy. First, you premise makes absolutely ZERO sense. The US does not pay more BECAUSE others pay less. That is silly. Show me anything that says a pharmaceutical company is mandated to provide service to every...
  15. C

    Health care/Medicare?

    So you signed up for somethig you either didn't understand or read, or both. The government paid for you to attend school for 12 years to learn to arithmetic, read, write, and reason. But it's the goverments job to read you the fine print on health insurance? Luckily, Obama came along to...
  16. C

    Health care/Medicare?

    So you must believe we have all the drugs we need? Start with who funds the R&D of pharmaceutical companies. ~ 30% is funded by .gov. 70% is private with most of that being stock holders. You realize that the excessive regulatory process is retarding development of medications and therapy...
  17. C

    Health care/Medicare?

    Cost sharing like insurance was designed is where i would start. Open up all states to competition. Then i would look at true cash accounting. This is free enterprise value- a total knee replacement for 15k. That seems very fair to me for that complex...
  18. C

    Health care/Medicare?

    By maxing out, do you mean that you've reached the income cap of taxable ss every year since 21? If so, you were making good money at a very early age- good for you if you were able to do that.
  19. C

    Health care/Medicare?

    Generalizations are generalizations. Does not and cannot apply to all, but catches more than not. We'll disagree on our generalization of baby boomers. WW2 generation came home and had their fill of war and evil. In general, they had economic prosperity and a memory of the great depression...