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  1. E


    I have had people tell me if you cut it real short, like scalp it, that you might be able to save it. Much like the watering the heck out of it this needs to be done right now to have a chance.
  2. E

    Picking majors and college

    Where do you want to end up after college? There are some smaller schools that within their region are very well respected, but once you get 300 miles away are thought less of. A U of GA or A&M or MI St or, or, or would all be well respected nation wide but directional Kentucky (or fill in the...
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    Gift for a cattleman

    While things are nice, your time is the best thing that you can give someone. Some day, hopefully in the distant future, he will be all stoved up and not able to do what he used to do, or god forbid he ends up in a nursing home. Stopping in to visit him once a month, even for just an hour or...
  4. E

    Ferguson fiasco

    This whole thing has me confused. When we look at the Ferguson situation alone I'm sure there are 3 sides to the story (like everything else) the cops, the kids and the truth that probably is somewhere in the middle. But when we look at the riots on a macro level doesn't it start to become a...
  5. E

    fair animals

    Every county fair sale that I've been to always plays the same way, Billy who has a really good lamb that he worked his tail off with and did really well with can't get a bid because mom and dad both have 9-5 W2 jobs, but Tommy who has 3 turd pigs that he fed every third day and trailed out end...
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    *** Beware ***

    Pretty much all debit cards have a max charge that you can put on them in a day. I know that the bank I work at has $1,000 on the top end of most customers accounts. About once a month I get a call from someone saying that they tried to use their card and it won't go through and they know that...
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    In the Black

    Think like an Egyptian. Get yourself half a dozen 4-6 inch wood posts and use those for your "wheels". Yeah you'll have to muscle it around the last little bit, but it beats the heck out of killing yourself doing it the whole way.
  8. E

    We don't take cash...

    As someone who works in a bank I'll tell you that you need to move. We're a small town group and all our front line help know who 90%+ of the customers are and address them by name when they walk in the door, but we have long time employees. No charges for cash, not many of the other BS fees...
  9. E

    Kid advice needed

    Any #$&@ can be a father, but it takes a man to be a dad. He's just a pup, but it's time for him to man up financially and emotionally. Even if he and mom can't make a go of it he needs to be part of Jr's life or they both are going to resent it for a long, long time I would guess. This is...
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    The Real History Lesson

    Well, finally someone on here admits that they drink the kool aid.
  11. E

    What is up with the price of bacon?

    The pig guys have finally figured out how to use DDG in their rations. Problem is that the bellies are junk and won't take cure, so all the bellies are coming in from Canada. Add to that the demand for the wonder product = high price bacon.
  12. E

    No more farm chores for rural children?

    So if I'm reading this right I can make, err hire, my kids to do whatever I want, but they can't go across the road to help grandma collect eggs or help grandpa pick sweet corn for hire. Also my niece can work for her parents farm A and my kids can work for my farm B, but if we form AB LLC...
  13. E

    Anybody have a hoop livestock shelter?

    I've got two customers that finish cattle in them and know several guys that have fed hogs in them as well. They're not a whole lot cheaper than a conventional building, but seem to work well. The nutritionist for the cattle guys has shown me the closeouts and they are in the 6's for feed...
  14. E

    You May Be A Farmer If....

    Talking about little kids in school, a couple of years ago my nephew who would have been about a first grader at the time had a teacher who was expecting. He proceeded to ask, in front of the whole class, if it was an AI or a natural service baby. Then went on to give the class a barnyard sex...