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  1. J. T.

    They caught him!!

    I think if a criminal admits to a crime eithr incarcerate him or execute him immediately. If he admits to it, why bother with the cost of a trial and why should the tax payer have to feed, house, and clothe him?
  2. J. T.

    Best Bull names you've heard....

    Current Brangus bull is named Cocaine because he gets a little crazy sometimes.
  3. J. T.

    Jonah Hex

    The previews looked pretty stupid to me. I wouldn't waste my time.
  4. J. T.

    The Amish Farmer?

  5. J. T.

    If this doesn't give you goosebumps...

    Good one , Tommy. May God bless us in spite of ourselves.
  6. J. T.

    Nicknames of Buddies

    I call a lady that I teach with "PGOC". It stands for Prettiest Girl On Campus, and she is!
  7. J. T.

    The Moment Just Before....

    God help us all.
  8. J. T.

    Hat problem

    Wearing that diesel soaked hat should keep the bugs away from your face and ears!
  9. J. T.

    Tsc in little town Texas.

    Our local TSC has it's good points and bad points. The front of the store looks like a western wear store on one side and a toy store on the other. However, they stock a lot of hardware and fencing supplies that sometimes can't be found in other stores. I went to our Co-op to buy some...
  10. J. T.

    Would you miss Cattle Today?

    Well..........since you put it that way........... :roll:
  11. J. T.

    Teacher's Salaries

    Who knows, Tom? I can't speak for all systems in Alabama, but rest assured, that all the teachers I know, myself included, buy some of our school supplies out of our own pockets. When supply money isn't released until the late fall or early winter, teachers have to buy some things in order to...
  12. J. T.

    Would you miss Cattle Today?

    Addicts? How dare you call me an addict! I can quit anytime I get ready! I'm just not ready right now, that's all! Call me and addict, will ya.
  13. J. T.

    Weedeaters and Slugs

    I'll show you a weak mind. Your the one always asking questions on here. Not me. I maybe ask one every once in a while. If I am so weak minded how come I never have very many problems when it comes to my cattle? I always heard that God watches out for drunks and fools. Maybe He keeps an eye on...
  14. J. T.

    Teacher's Salaries

    Amen Lammie. Our system went with uniforms a few years back, but the board put in too many variables to really call it a uniform. The policy did little to help with disciplinary problems, so we went back to our previous dress code. The uniform policy allowed students to wear polo type shirts...
  15. J. T.

    Teacher's Salaries

    Thanks, Tommy J. T. Agriscience Teacher, 22 years of service. BTW, people have become so disenchanted with teaching that the State of Alabama has incentives to keep teachers in the profession and to encourage young people to enter the profession. With all the government intervention, the...
  16. J. T.

    Would you miss Cattle Today?

    I'd miss it, but I'd get more work done if it didn't exist.
  17. J. T.

    Hillbilly Vasectomy

    Hey TB, Just remember there wouldn't be a Texas as you know it if the hillbillies from Tennessee and Alabama hadn't come to help the Texans whup Santa Anna! ;-)
  18. J. T.

    Hoax Warning!!!

    Miss Daisy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel cheap, I don't know what came over me! :oops: But thanks for participating in the survey, nonetheless! :D
  19. J. T.

    The Cowboys

    You're right about that Van. She's atractive, but not jaw dropping, drooling gorgeous. My current TV crush is Lisa Edlestein that plays Dr. Cuddy on House. I have a thing for brown eyed brunettes. I married one. Also, I was always in love with Annette Funicello. When I found out my wife's middle...
  20. J. T.

    The Cowboys

    This is one of my favorite movies. Saw it the other night. The clincher is when Bruce Dern's character has his leg broken and is trapped under his horse and hung up in the saddle, begging for his life. They get the horse to his feet, shoot a pistol in the air which send the horse galloping with...