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  1. S

    TV Channel 4 had a prog:

    Yes Lammie,and I am afraid that you are one of them.Islam is the worship of "Allah"...the moon god....hence the moon symbol on their flags,etc.The origin of islam has nothing to do with the Judeo-Christian origins. Do your research.
  2. S

    Vote in USA Today Poll on Second Amendment

    I voted also,it still says 99%....Oh! Crap! now they know who we are!! :shock:
  3. S

    How about some odd and funny town names

    How about Rooster Poot,Goseankle,and Terrapin neck? :shock:
  4. S

    Favorite Sayings and One Liners

    (And make Love when it rains!) ;-) :D
  5. S

    December 7th, 1941.......

    Correct!! Give that man a kewpie doll!!! :lol:
  6. S


    might ask him which bull he would ride. :cboy:
  7. S

    December 7th, 1941.......

    Speaking of the attack on Pearl Harbor....who said "I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant...and filled him with a terrible resolve".??? ;-)
  8. S

    something everyone needs to see :)
  9. S

    the human body

    One other....the length of your foot is the same as the distance from your elbow to your wrist.... :D
  10. S

    Favorite Sayings and One Liners

    I once got in trouble in school for saying"darn". Looked it up in the dictionary,and one of the definitions is "hell". :shock:
  11. S

    Possible Reasons Why Crowder's Wife Married Him

    ......................... He said: "FENCING" I thought you were going to say "pole vaulting".... And that's how Crowder's wife got snookered into marrying him
  12. S

    Words Not Heard Much Anymore

    How about...."I'll slap you naked and hide your clothes"? :D
  13. S

    this was e-mailed to me today what do you think?????

    There is a lot of evil out there in the world. :shock: :(
  14. S


    One advantage of raising registered cattle, the tattoo in the ear is a way to identify them.My neighbor has had some cattle stolen, he raises a commercial herd.Apparently they used portable panels and a cattle dog to round them up and load them. :mad: :shock:
  15. S

    Stupid Q...for you marines...

    Semper Fi is short for "Semper Fidelis".....always faithful.
  16. S

    Open letter to Hollywood

    "Broken Trail" with Robert Duvall is an excellent movie worth watching....and is based on a true story around the turn of the last century. ;-)
  17. S

    no politics no religion

    Amen to that!! ;-)
  18. S

    One for Caustic

    A northern F.E.M.A. representative stopped at a farm and talked with the old farmer. "I'm going to inspect your farm." The old farmer said, "You better not go in that field." The F.E.M.A. representative said in a wise tone, "I have the authority of the U. S. Government with me...
  19. S


    Right back atcha!!!! ;-)