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  1. daneg

    Consumption of meat type by country

    If I put this map together I would have chosen a different colour for beef consumption maybe Green.
  2. daneg

    Which describes you?

    I use net wrap and remove and pick every thread.
  3. daneg

    HOW OLD?

    64 come March, going to get a valve job on Wednesday so that will likely slow me down for a while. Hopefully I will have more stamina afterwards, I sure get tired and short of breath with moderate exertion.
  4. daneg

    Daily Chuckle

    she also makes a good counterweigh!
  5. daneg

    Redneck Motorcycle

    My horses watch me ride this!
  6. daneg

    Law of Diminishing returns

    The trick to being profitable in cattle is minimizing debt, usually that takes several years to accomplish the second generation and onward can be comfortable if they are careful.
  7. daneg

    Daily Chuckle

  8. daneg

    Bud Grant 95

    Played for and coached the Winnipeg blue bombers to 4 Grey cup wins.
  9. daneg

    Your everyday knife

    D.H. Russell Yachtsman Knife by Grohmann Knives The marlin spike makes a good pry bar, saves the knife lots of abuse!
  10. daneg

    oh goody....

    T-shirt weather!
  11. daneg

    What is it ?

    Concrete or stucco wall
  12. daneg

    Surprises Happen

    Lots of people are not who they believe they are!
  13. daneg

    Hurricane Ian

  14. daneg

    Early Winter?

    Our hummingbirds pulled out about 2 weeks ago.
  15. daneg

    Branding iron size

    If you make your own irons any Welded joint should be ground out on the face of the iron to prevent blotching of the brand from excess heat in corners.
  16. daneg

    Spring hasn't sprung

    There is a calf killer bearing down on us! 30cm = 1ft
  17. daneg

    What is the job worth?

    maybe they are trying to keep the pasture $ rates low for the members and in turn don’t have the budget for a decent wage for a reliable ranch hand. I wonder how the rates compare with other places. Manitoba rates for 2022.
  18. daneg

    Cattle people/ farmers are getting old.

    I have been in your position and have pondered that question more than once and never came up with a solution. What I do know is most younger people want a regular paycheque and regular days off and that isn’t synonymous with ranching.
  19. daneg


    Just about ended up in the peace country, we checked out all corners up there before deciding on Manitoba Can’t edit the original post, just like to add I started out in Quebec. Be kind!
  20. daneg


    1960 model, my grand fathers had livestock when I was a kid, spent a couple years in the navy after high school then went back to home town and worked in a copper mine for a few years. Went west and worked oil rigs half dozen years until kids started coming and bought few cows and 1/4 with a...