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  1. dun

    I became a widower today

    Yup, it isn't anything new. In 1980 a friend of mines son (17 years old) drunk and started yelling at his mother. The dad grounded him for a week, 2 days later he was arrested for child abuse. He ended up doing 3 years for it.
  2. dun

    Nefertiti, King Tut's Mother

    With her name I always wondered if she had big boobs
  3. dun

    Lost a Neighbor to the Flu

    In this area it's so common that a large hospital in springfield opened a spare floor and turned it into nothing but flu. They are considering doing another floor now. The floor I was in was ICU and held over 200 people. That's with 1 person per room don;t know if the 7th floor is like that...
  4. dun

    I became a widower today

    In a lot of cases I've seen the best thing is a good dog
  5. dun

    Okay I'm going to go political!

    I'll be darned. POs me that you can bet the poloticians will be paid on time
  6. dun

    I became a widower today

    Just a heart isn;t enough, bears repeating
  7. dun

    Okay I'm going to go political!

    There is something really screwed up since the military was not in the shutdown so from my rememberence of other shut downs they always got paid on time. The post office isn;t a goverenment agency so they are not affected by the shutdown at all so should always will get paid on time
  8. dun


    Thanks one and all.
  9. dun

    Ascot and Cowboy

    That's a fact. Always enjoyed watching some of the rides he made.
  10. dun

    Ascot and Cowboy

    I have an old Stetson that looks a lot like his, but mine is just crappy looking, it doesn;t have class like his.
  11. dun

    Lost Farms

    Pretty interesting
  12. dun

    Water softener

    Great, thanks all. That's what I wanted to know
  13. dun

    Water softener

    Never have had one. The house we're having built will have one. For outside water, i.e. yard hydrants, livestock water, etc., do you tap in to the waterline between the source (or pressure tank) and the water softener or after the water softener (before the water heater, etc. Also, what if any...
  14. dun

    I Can Afford an Extra Case of Beer

    Must be Falstaff
  15. dun

    Tom Petty

    The quarterly thing is a new medicare requirement. Until now (for the past couple of years) I would just email him and tell him I needed some and he would just write the script. This latest is all the people abusing the stuff that has brought on changes.
  16. dun

    Tom Petty

    I have to see my doc every quarter to get the Norco crap I take. I keep a log of whenever I take them, not required but I like to keep track of it for my self. I asked the doc if taking 4-5 a day was an issue and he said it wasn;t. Then there are other days when I only need 1 or 2 and very...
  17. dun

    Tom Petty

    The enabler type docs remind of the doc in the movie "Overboard", taking and handing out valium like they were lifesavers.
  18. dun

    Tom Petty

    A lot of these type also go doctor shopping. They may be getting the same prescription from a half dozen doctors.
  19. dun

    What's the real cost of attracting a business...

    I have always wondered how giving stuff to corporations to get them to move is any different then the gov handing out welfare.
  20. dun

    You ever think about cutting back?

    We sold this farm to the neighbors with the understanding we could live here for a while till we found another place. This place is only 240 acres but it's way to much. Found 70 acres that ajoins one corner of this place. Didn;t want to leave the immediate area so we paid a little too much...