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  1. W

    National Vietnam War Veterans Day

    Want some insight into how Vietnam progressed, read McMaster, Dereliction of Duty. Very insightful book and explains LBJ sacrificing US lives to be sure preserves his social programs. This war will always be controversial, but this book po'd me as the bean counters figured X numbers lives ok...
  2. W

    Home Weather Monitor

    Had Davis Vantage Vue Wireless 10 yrs. Replaced sending station 2 yr ago. Happy with it.
  3. W

    What Is Wrong?

    OK view almost daily, don't comment unless pretty sure I can help. Been watching/reading this subject. Don't really know how I feel 'bout it, Have communicated with Ron, he more liberal than me, more conservative than some. He does like to "stir the pot. Is that good or bad I don't know...
  4. W

    Starting pepper seeds advice.

    Never done germinating pepper seed since childhood at home for garden. From what I see and research thru websites, there's lots variability in germination times for peppers depending on variety. Some early as 9 days, some up to 3 weeks. Maybe You just being too anxious/worried. W. Lamar Parmer
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    Had some concerns

    Jo needs go into politics. Got You spellbound til last sentence, then through You in the ditch. Wilson L Parmer, DVM
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    Locked threads

    Don't know who mods are, nor care. If Dun was, he can't be replaced. Several forums, never seen anyone more level headed than he. I would never be judge and jury this group, even though I like the reading and controversy, I would never take over policing this group !!! WLamarParmer,DVM
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    Daddy Daughter Night

    Sky, Great You doing this. That girl will remember this when she old Grandma. Was too busy my younger life, didnt do enough my daughter and step daughter. But, they appreciate everything I did. Now @ 76 some those paying dividends. You Good Man/Daddy, keep it up Wilson Lamar Parmer, DVM
  8. W

    W Lamar Parmer

    Thanks for the Birthday Wishes. Was a good day. Spent morning and early afternoon visiting and harassing friends and colleagues. Then went out for wonderful dinner with family. It was a good and fun day !! Wilson Lamar Parmer
  9. W

    Thanksgiving Meal

    Enjoy the traditional turkey feast, this year only wife and I so gonna let someone else cook. Growing up in 50's SE Ala, deer and turkeys hunted to extension (reintroduced early '60's). Thanksgiving was a family hunt and cookout. All men and boys went small game hunting in morning. come in...
  10. W

    What is it?

    I say some version of fertilizer distributor, though ones I grew up with included a plow. Similar item comes up in museum in Ms when google images mule drawn fertilizer distributor. In SE late 40's-early 50's fertilizer came in as true bat guano out of South America in 200# bags. This when...
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    glyphosate study

    BTW: I dont believe U-Tube to be a research forum !!
  12. W

    glyphosate study

    Would someone please post a resume for Highpoint. Would like to know education, research qualifications. Do You have data, or just talking off top Your head. Tired all this finger pointing/follow the money/big business because You can do it on the internet. Granted there is money in cancer...
  13. W

    Interview with the Texan who stopped the massacre

    Tired seeing all this stuff. Raven, appreciated Your contra view-dont like it. If a responsible citizen is inclined to approach adversity, and win. Why all the crap on civil suits ?? If a man makes a reasonable choice, we should support him , not question if he gonna get sued. been...
  14. W

    Well I hope all you other hobby

    I don't post much, but read almost daily as visitor. Been concerned for sometime with all the animosity on here. Just thought I'd offer my opinion. I own Zero cattle (health issues negate), been DVM for 40+ yrs first few large animal, 40 small animal, now retired. Try day to day to figure...
  15. W

    Why do people dump dogs

    Not starting an argument here, just seen for all my years Veterinary Practice, family adopt cute puppy. At 6 months he aint so cute, causing problems home, so they take it neighborhood, or country. Appear that in their mind , "he so sweet, someone will take care of him". Don't want to get...
  16. W

    Why do people dump dogs

    Simple Minds = Out of site out of mind. Seen this done 40+ years my professional career, didn't start today. Probably dumping better than "gunney sack" in creek, saw that lot years ago.
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    Baby on the Way

    Old Adage out there. Grandchildren is Your reward for not killing Your Kids. !!!!
  18. W

    Stepping back into history

    Jo, please keep us updated on Your endeavors into this swamp area. Defectors were more common both side civil war than most like believe. South Al and Ga most these people homesteaders, no interest in slavery, some went served, many just stayed home or hid out. Late in war regiment sent out...
  19. W

    Stepping back into history

    Jo is this part of Okefenokee or further north. According to diaries, etc SW Georgia was pretty much ignored by Northern destruction. Even some families in east Ga spent winters there. Area from Cuthbert -Bainbridge-Thomasville -Valdosta was pretty much ignored .
  20. W

    Lurkers sign in here

    Primarily Lurk here. I read daily, but offer no opinion unless i feel helpful. several qualified DVM on here more qualified than I on large animal medicine/conditions, My focus for 40 yrs has been small animal primarily surgery. Case in point recent post on Ringworm in dog, too many...