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  1. E

    Trying a new vet soon

    We recently switched to a vet who has opened a clinic in our area in the last couple years. It put us 30 minutes closer to the office and they drive by a couple times a week taking the kids to school so something of a win-win. We have had to have her out a couple times for problems after hours...
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    Pastured vs Conventional Pork: Nutrition comparison?

    Susan I'm going to have to argue with you about the "show pig" being lean and tasteless. Based on what I've seen as recently as yesterday at the Iowa State Fair lean is out. The breeding gilts that were winning have at least .9" of backfat, probably well over an inch on most of them. The...
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    health question about a pig - skin rash?

    Are they red/purple diamond shaped spots? If so it's probably eryslpilas (sp). Treat them aggressively with Pen and you should be ok.
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    help with feeding

    Are the cows holding condition on the "junk" hay? If so I think that you might want to give grandpa a little more credit. I don't know how much hay you are feeding, but if you're going through 4 bales a day (probably high) even with the $25/day in sack feed that is still only $.66/head/day...
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    help with feeding

    Standard questions need to apply here 1)where are you? 2)what are you trying to do? 3)how many, how much ground, genetics.... There are a lot of people on here that can help you with a lot of things, but what works well in the Pacific northwest doesn't always work in Texas....we need details to...
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    Chronic Scouring in Cows.

    Call a vet, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to the phone and call a vet. In the mean time isolate her and anyone who has lost a calf if possible. I don't know what an open cow costs you, but around here it's going to be $400+. I would guess that she's got something going on...
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    Antibiotics, good or bad ?

    How anyone could make a blanket statement that antibiotics are bad is something I can't understand. In my opinion they are no different than EPDs or consulting a nutritionist, they are another tool in our toolbox. With that said, are antibiotics overused? In some cases and in some...
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    Feed Mixture

    Is the distillers wet or dry? Is this an as fed mixture or a dm basis? The nutritionist that I work most closely with doesn't like more than 20% ddg on a dm basis. Also watch where the distillers comes from and the sulfer content. That is something that can bounce all over the board...
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    To get out or stay in??

    80-85% of cows exposed bringing in a weaned calf probably isn't that far from the national average. Now if you're settling 98% of the cows and not loosing anything after 30 days of age, but still having all that death loss in the 30 days either side of calving then you probably need to figure...
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    Help PLEASE...Feeding Cow w/Twins?

    Something to think about-it's easier, quicker and will take less feed to keep one in good condition than what it will to get her back. When she starts to slide you should start pushing her quickly vs letting her get to a bcs 2 and then trying to get her back.
  11. E

    Daughters calf possibly sick?

    Be careful, you can get ringworm too if you have too much contact. Use common sense and be clean around those spots and you should be ok. We've used athletes foot spray, yeast infection creams, and all kinds of other products. But if you have until September sunlight is the best disinfectant...
  12. E

    They are all dead

    I had one of my customers that runs a bunch of stockers have something like this a year ago. Pen of 200, lost about 15. Son-in-law fed then 20 minutes later started swelling up like ticks. They were checking fence so they saw it right away and started moving them to try and get the gas out...
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    Saving Hay

    I don't know about the labor being that out of hand. Let me run some math and tell me if I'm off anywhere. Let's assume a cow will eat 40# of hay/day. So if there's 37% wasteage on that it would be 14.8# or 0.0074 ton/day waste. If hay is worth $75/ton that is $0.555/cow/day. 40# x...
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    DDGS in Livestock Diets

    I saw a study from Kansas St that said yes. Another from U of Nebraska said no. I think the MARC center in Nebraska is doing a study right now and there will be some data back on it in 8-12 months. It depends on what side you want to be on in terms of what study you quote. On a side note...
  15. E

    Calf Overbite?

    Monkey mouth is not uncommon in the club calf business. It's genetic and there have been some high powered bulls that have been carriers, but I can't think of any of them off the top of my head. The calf will feed, however it will probably be harder for him to eat because his mouth is not as...
  16. E

    selenium toxicity in selemnium deficient state

    I'm just shooting from the hip here, but isn't there both Muse and Bose for selinium. I don't know the dosage or parts per million on either off the top of my head. What I'm wondering is could the vet have given the weak drug dosage of the strong drug if that makes any sense.
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    New Vets

    It's tough to find good vets everywhere. Dad's farm is 10 miles from a "great" vet school and I went through undergrad with a bunch of them, not pretty. Yes there are more women than men, yes there are a lot of book educated dumb donkeys that know squat about working cows, but those schools...
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    Wormer blocks

    Blocks? Are we talking 50 pounders like salt and/or mineral or are we talking cubes? If it's the cubes you'll have to feed every day for 3 days, if the blocks read on. First I'll state my bias-I don't like blocks. Most of the time the cows will wear through their tounge before they get...
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    Need Show Bull To Gain Weight

    I'm just going to do some trouble shooting. I don't know enough yet to give an answer, if any of the questions offend you that was not my plan we (all the possible posters) just need more info to be more helpful to you. 1)Has he been wormed? Up on all vacinations? Generally healthy? You...
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    I've got some of my customers that feed cattle and/or are short on pasture that are mixing the syrup from ethanol stills with ground corn stalks or low quality hay. They claim it's a great product. I would guess that it would be a similar type of product so I'd think it would work well also...