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  1. J

    Dead head calf

    Check to make certain the calf doesn't have a cleft palate. That makes it very difficult for a calf to suckle.
  2. J

    Mysterious injuries

    Skin lesions like that are usually caused by an allergic reaction to something.
  3. J

    Calves with weepy eye.

    This sounds consistent with exposure to a toxin. Often the right side is more affected than the left side, like you mentioned with the right eye being the most often having the yellow drainage. I saw this issue on many of the accident killed animals I necropsied and on live wild animals like...
  4. J

    Bottle calf

    Interesting! What is in white monster drink?
  5. J

    Bottle calf

  6. J

    Bottle calf

    I forgot to mention, I never observed or was told of a foal that was born with an underbite having the facial bones grow to be normal sized without being given the Calc. Phos. My friend who works with horses and checks the bites on lots of mostly adult horses found quite a high prevalence of...
  7. J

    Bottle calf

    Murray, thank you for saying you think Maxrock2306 should try the cell salt tablets. However, I have only posted suggestions for using the Homeopathic Cell Salt electrolyte tablets about three different times. You are the one that I have seen the most posts from "all over the boards" - not...
  8. J

    Bottle calf

    Bug juice in the womb for a human fetus results in disrupted sexual development, autism, heart defects, damaged immune system and other serious effects according to studies. Yeah, that is really funny isn't it. How can anyone hate babies that much is what I would like to know I never took...
  9. J

    Bottle calf

    The only way I found to see if it worked was to give it to the animal to see what happened. My neighbor made a lot of money on the calves he saved by giving them the Hyland's Homeopathic Cell Salt, Calc. Phos. He got them for $5 to $10 and sold them for a lot in the fall. By the way, it says on...
  10. J

    Bottle calf

    Your calf has all the symptoms of being exposed to the insecticide imidacloprid during development in the womb. He has an obvious underbite, a definitive symptom of Imidacloprid exposure. Imidacloprid concentrations in the spleen of the exposed newborn results in their cells not being able to...
  11. J

    New Girl (drought cow)

    Hi Murray, I know that some people will go ballistic, but I checked and they both look good. Great job of saving them. That calf is a cutie.
  12. J

    Calf not growing like it should be?

    I agree with BC who posted while I was writing this. The polled hereford calf in the recent photo appears to be emaciated and definitely needs food with more protein than it has been getting. Young of ruminant species need to have milk for at least two months or they are often stunted for life...
  13. J

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    There were only two reports in the scientific literature about deer fawns with an underbite prior to 1995. One study in Michigan in 1969 looked at 36,000 hunter killed deer for underbite and didn't find one deer with underbite. I grew up on a ranch and we never had any grazing animal or other...
  14. J

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    One study done in South Dakota had three pens of white-tailed deer females that were pregnant. One pen of does was given a specific dose of an insecticide imidacloprid in their water. Another pen of does was given a low dose of imidacloprid in their water and the third pen was the control group...
  15. J

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    Good observation on the pug nosed appearance, Murray. The reason a calf has an underbite is because the premaxillary bone is underdeveloped. That causes the premaxillary bone to be short and narrow, which makes the calf's muzzle point somewhat upward rather than straight forward. Even a slight...
  16. J

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    Hi Murray. Nice heifer. The bite looks good, so I am not going to suggest you check it - that is up to you. A couple of days ago, I was sent the attached photo of a jersey calf. I am wondering if you and especially the people who give me a hard time about suggesting checking for an underbite...
  17. J

    Lost one this Morning

    I lived on a cattle ranch in the middle southern part of South Dakota until mid-1963. We, nor any of our neighboring ranchers had ever had anything like WCS in calves. In the area of SD where our ranch was the temperatures in the winter often went quite a bit below zero and in the summer it was...
  18. J

    Lost one this Morning

    Sorry, I may have stated that incorrectly. The veterinarian who identified and named the first case of WCS did so here in the county in which I live. I should have said there were no identified cases of WCS here or anywhere else prior to 1964. I did say that the first case was "identified" and...
  19. J

    Lost one this Morning

    I am really glad to hear that, Ken.
  20. J

    Lost one this Morning

    They feed 4-H steers hay and grain to fatten them, so an underbite would not likely affect his ability to eat. Our 2011 study showed that whether the size of the group of animal species measured was large or small, the prevalence of underbite was quite high on all species addressed in the study...