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  1. J

    Downed heifer, late in pregnancy.

    old guys claim herefords can winter on the poorest hay around, they don't look bad too me
  2. J

    Parasite or disease?

    lucky, i have tried some of these new skin treatments for years til one old farmer told me about the old oil trick & in50 years i have never seen it not work. been around cattle for 70 years & made my living at it since i was 11
  3. J

    Cattle feed

    go to a feed mill & you can beat any of those prices
  4. J

    Constipation - Bottle Calf

    if she gets 3 bottles of good milk replacer, why would she try anything else
  5. J

    Parasite or disease?

    used black motor oil will cure any skin condition on cows or dogs
  6. J

    Stunted Angus Steer

    now you know why no one else was bidding
  7. J

    Preventing Hoof Rot

    when we had dairy vet had us make a foot bath with copper sulfate & water, then switched to hydrated lime. 5 day sulfa drugs used to be the drug of choice by vets. now i use cobalt blocks which has more iodine than cobalt. if they still get a sore foot i just use 2 day penicillin
  8. J

    Bottle Calf

    what kind of milk replacer, should be 20 percent fat & 20 percent protein 100 lb calf should have 2 quarts twice a day, if smaller less hungry calf is healthy calf. if he is scouring you need to give electrolytes for one feeding
  9. J

    Black Angus coats turning reddish?

    some angus cows have recessive red bred in & show a little reddish color from time to time
  10. J

    Too Mineral or not...

    depends where you , lived in northern pa old man & me never fed anything but loose salt or trace mineral, never had any problem, moved to northern mo had to feed minerals free choice & vaccinate cows about 6-8 weeks before freshening or would have calf pneumonia bad
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    make that 6-8 weeks before calving
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    used to have a problem with calves getting pneumonia 5-6 weeks of age til I started vaccinating cows 4 weeks before calving
  13. J

    Respiratory problem with bull

    heat & fescue will do it to some
  14. J

    Ticks - Ticks and more Ticks

    cheap ivermectin will kill them all
  15. J

    Heifer down after calving

    pinched nerve, better if you get her outside
  16. J

    Cow down because of low calcium

    tom, years ago our dairy cows had a lot of trouble with this & vet had us give phos in muscle, but it did not help. finally feed man figured with all the corn silage we fed they were not getting enough calcium
  17. J

    Cow down because of low calcium

    vet needs to give her a bottle of calcium, she'll get right up
  18. J

    The knife and the moon

    never paid any attention to it
  19. J

    4 month old Calf, fever and limp

    I prefer koppertox on foot & I find pen works on feet better than la
  20. J

    calf diarrhea

    where you have them & what are they eating for grain & hay.