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    concrete waterer

    Thanks for all the replys now I have some places to check out Simcross
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    concrete waterer

    Yes Red bull breeder that is the kind. Dun that is the next step finding a dealer close to NW Missouri
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    concrete waterer

    Just a single tank I don't know the sizes they come in but just want a single bowl waterer
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    cattle waterer

    I am wanting to put in a concrete cattle waterer in a dirt bank anyone know what the price of this waterers/ Thanks Simcross
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    concrete waterer

    Does anyone know what the price of a single tank concrete waterer that sits in a pond bank would be Thanks
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    ear tags

    who makes ear tags that the number won't faded out in 3-4 years
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    Shared expenses for cattle

    My biggest concern is how well do you both get along with each other. 350 lb calves sometimes get sick and when they do they sometimes go down hill fast. How well can you each deal with death loss, if he is out working with them every day getting the sick ones in doctoring them. If you are...
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    % Protein of ration

    On my figures 15.2 is a little high in protein just use differant lbs of corn and supplement to get the % protein you want I round the corn back to 9% protein I see that some use 10% for protein
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    % Protein of ration

    Found the pearson square formula In order to make the square work consistently, there are three very important considerations: The value in the middle of the square must be intermediate between the two values that are used on the left side of the square. For example, the 14 percent crude...
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    % Protein of ration

    are you wanting a corn and protein supplement ration? 1600 lbs. corn at 9% protein = 144 lbs protein 400 lbs supplement at 40 % protein = 160 lbs protein ________________________________________________________ 2000 lbs 304 lbs protein...
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    Looking for Angus Bull (7 picts)

    5 looks to be the biggest bone bull of them all
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    Need a Name. . . .

    Miss Link Miss Rocky Link Miss Red Link Red Link Rolink Roclink
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    Bull Guarantee (venting frustrations)

    There are some bulls that just do want to breed had a 15 month old bull once that wouldn't breed till he was in with cows 5 months cows had come in heat he just was not interested. Never got a second chance sent him to market
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    We get to Pick the Pops.!!! Any Suggestions where we can...

    Hello Are the people you bought the cow from going to AI her. You need to find out which company they order semen from and then put your order in with theirs. Won't they have to keep the straw in their tank are you going to order 1 straw then use a clean up bull or do you want to AI only till...
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    backyard steers

    5 gallon of corn weighs about 30 lbs
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    Cow depreciation

    The price a bred heifer will bring later in life changes more with the rise and fall of the market. Usually if a coming two year old bred heifer brings $1200 the same type of bred 3 and 4 year olds should bring $1300 to $1400 5 year olds would bring about $1200 6 and 7 year olds $1000 the price...
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    I don't think there is sure a thing as that in Hereford cattle at lest I have never heard of them talk about it
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    Help..when to sell??

    This reminds me of a story Some years ago a farmer was feeding his calves out there were fat ready to go but the market had dropped real low he was hopeing the market would pick up again so he keep feeding them. He was talking to his neighbor one day, he told his neighbor It would not be so...
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    Help..when to sell??

    Like they said it is hard to guess the market swings, but right now with corn at $4.50 soybeans at $11.50 a bushel it is going to put pressure on the cattle market. With calves at 500-600 pounds you have crossed over in to the world of cattle feeder. They are probably the biggest gamblers in...
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    Yellow-white face
