cow processing question

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Apr 27, 2020
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Hi everybody I've probably lurked here, and read some old topics that were related to questions I've had this past year. Decided I better join cause I got a real hum dinger now. :|

I'm definitely new to cows. We started what I think of as a hobby ranch with my inlaws. We had 7 cows till my husband and I bought two bred British White heifers last May. One had no issues, and the other one had vaginal/rectal prolapse. Any way we went through that issue and got a live calf.She ended up getting stitched again after birth because the calf had to be pulled and she had a uterine prolapse. One vet told us to get rid of her, which maybe we should have. But we didn't because we thought it best if she could raise her calf so we wouldn't have to. She's a really sweet cow, especially through all this she doesn't have one mean bone in her body.
Anyway we weaned her calf the first of April because we planned to take this cow to slaughter and she needs a little extra groceries. I wanted to do it sooner but ranching with family is a whole nother issue.

So we setup an appointment with a local meat processor for July thinking a few months on grass she'll be ready then. That's when we'll get a bull and she needs to leave. Now my current issue. We bought a beef bottle baby who has been with her these last few weeks. (not my choice either but didn't want this new girl to be alone.) Well this calf has been taking the bottle good 3 times a day for 2 and a half weeks. She'd try to nurse but the cow wouldn't let her. This last week baby has decided she doesn't want a bottle and has been nursing steadily from this cow who now tolerates her nursing from the back. I'm already supplementing the cow, and she has gotten weight back. But low and behold we check on them and this cow is laying down with her innards out again just like last spring. With Covid all the butchers are pretty damn full and we are on a list if they get a cancelation. We are gonna make phone calls to further out places cause at this point I feel like she needs to just be processed sooner rather than later. But I have no idea how soon that will be. >.<

So my problem is do you think this new calf made her start prolapsing again despite how she was feeding her original 7 month old right before? What should I do with her in the mean time? I'm worried her bladder will come out again. Do I sew her up if we can't process for a month??? Or is that just asking for her to get infection? Will that affect butchering her?
The new calf had nothing to do with it. Some cows will prolapse every time they lie down, but as long as it goes in when she stands up you don't need to do anything. If it stays out, she'll need a stitch until she leaves. It won't hurt the meat, unless you eat some really unusual cuts.
Buck Randall said:
The new calf had nothing to do with it. Some cows will prolapse every time they lie down, but as long as it goes in when she stands up you don't need to do anything. If it stays out, she'll need a stitch until she leaves. It won't hurt the meat, unless you eat some really unusual cuts.

👆🏽 I like your answer!!! "It won't hurt the meat, unless you eat some really unusual cuts" 😅🤣

I've just been enlighten by the entire situation. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Thanks. 😊
Nope, the new calf had nothing to do with the cows problem.
I'd stitch the cow just so you don't have to deal with it later. Then just wait for your scheduled date at the butchers.
Buck has same advise I would give you. I had one cow that needed stitching every pregnancy after about seven months. finally sold her because I didn't need the headache every year.

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