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Aug 25, 2013
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Bill is free...............................

Pennsylvania Supreme Court 7 judges, 5 democrats 2 republicans, ruled 6-1
in favor of Cosby. The case was heard Dec. 1, 2020 and it took 7 months to write and announce their 79 page ruling. Cosby was fined $25,000 and served 3 yrs of a 10 sentence that the Supreme Court ultimately ruled never should have happened.
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They didn't rule that he didn't do it, but a previous DA had promised him that they would not press charges, and based on this he gave sworn testimony in a civil case that was used against him in the criminal case. This only applies to the charges in the Constand case. He can still be tried on all of the other cases if they choose.
It was my understanding that the Constand case was the last one to come up that was still within the statute of limitations... so ol' BC looks to be home free now.
They didn't rule that he didn't do it, but a previous DA had promised him that they would not press charges, and based on this he gave sworn testimony in a civil case that was used against him in the criminal case. This only applies to the charges in the Constand case. He can still be tried on all of the other cases if they choose.
Got him off on a technicality, freakin lawyers!😂
Is it any different then someone gets stopped for speeding, they hire an attorney and all of a sudden that vehicle was not speeding but had a non-functioning tail light? Pay the attorney, pay the fine, no moving violation to contend with.

Been going on for decades.
Got him off on a technicality, freakin lawyers!😂
Hardly a technicality. It was the Fifth Amendment. The real culprit here was the dmubazz original DA that said that he would not be charged. The court found "Promissory Estoppel" Because, where Cosby relied on that promise he gave sworn testimony in a civil case where he admitted he did a lot of the abuse. In doing that he gave up his Fifth Amendment rights.

The lawyer's main job is to make sure the State follows the Constitution and the rules.
Hardly a technicality. It was the Fifth Amendment. The real culprit here was the dmubazz original DA
NO. The 2nd DA was the dmubzz. Gloria Alred and her gang of 33 were tying up the courts with unwinnable cases, 1 case had already ended in a hung jury, time was running out, one woman demanded 40 million or she would go public that she was his daughter by rape. Cosby could take a knee and run out the clock. As the authorized agent of the justice department the original DA knew the only way to clear the court system of these high profile cases and save the state gazillions in court costs was to have Cosby's lawyers waive his 5th amendment rights and the due process clause of the the 14th amendment and have Cosby testify against himself.
These agreements were not done in secret or in a vacuum it was all well documented. It broke the stalemate. Alred and her gang reached a multi-million settlement with Cosby. Cosby supplied his DNA to prove Autumm Jackson was lying about being his daughter and she refused to supply her dna. Autumm Jackson 22 was sentenced to 26 months for attempted extortion of 40 million.
The war was over, Cosby had paid millions to settle these cases and to go on with his life.

Then 10 years later the 2nd DA decided he wanted to make a name for himself and went after Cosby by ignoring the state's agreement.

Moral of the story: Never trust a government to honor their 'treaty'. :)

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