San Antonio, Texas, March 18, 2014 -- The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) welcomed members and show exhibitors to its annual convention in Houston March 4-8, 2014, in conjunction with the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

To kick off the events, a welcome reception was hosted in the show barn Tuesday evening to engage with members in attendance. The next morning, several committees met to discuss developing plans for advancement, and Dr. Milt Thomas, Colorado State University, gave an educational presentation about genomic indicators. IBBA staff members also provided informative presentations to the group. Jason Bates, Director of Field Services and Commercial Marketing, provided his thoughts about how to market and promote Brangus to the commercial sector and positively positioning Brangus in the beef cattle industry. Emilio Silvas, IBBA Product Manager, discussed Total Herd Reporting (THR), Genetic Performance Solutions (GPS), Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs), and gave an update of other relevant topics to the membership.

Later that afternoon during the Board of Directors meeting, a new slate of officers were elected to the Executive Committee. New officers for 2014-2015 are President Traci Middleton, First Vice President Mike Vorel, Second Vice President Danny Farris, and Secretary/Treasurer Brandon Belt.

On Thursday following the membership breakfast, IBBA's Executive Vice President Dr. Tommy Perkins addressed the membership and presented his vision and his goals for his role in unifying the association and advancing the breed. Following in the IBBA business meeting, the outgoing president, Ron Flake, gave his year in review and the outgoing directors were recognized. The new elected directors introduced and seated at the table along with the other board members. Cody Gariss of Lamar, Mo., was elected to a second term, and the new directors include Mike Kammerer of Montgomery, Texas; Eddy Roberts of O'Brien, Fla.; and Bill Davis of Concord, Ark.

The Sixth Annual Global Roundup hosted Thursday afternoon brought together domestic producers, international guests, and industry professionals. Dr. Tommy Shields, McNeese University, gave a presentation on live animal evaluation, and Leslie Frenzel, Texas A&M University, gave a demonstration on consumer product evaluation. Delegates from Mexico were also present to promote and extend invitations to the 2014 World Brangus Congress. The Ideal Video Productions Customer Appreciation Sale immediately followed.

The IBBA recognized five award recipients at the banquet Friday evening March 7 to showcase the achievements and contributions these breeders have made to the Brangus breed and the beef cattle industry. Congratulations to all the award recipients. IBBA Breeder of the Year: Mike Coggins and Steve Densmore; Pioneer Award: Jerry Morrow and David Vaughan; Commercial Producer of the Year: Russell Trefny.

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