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  1. M

    Does he look sick?

    He's doing great! He's gaining 3lbs a day now and the vet checked him and said he's just young. We cut him and officially made him a steer now. He didn't even flinch. He's about 420lbs now, so that's good. He got all his vaccinations and seems to really turned the corner. Thank you all...
  2. M

    What to A.I. for club calves

    No, the kids want fluffy ones for shows. The judges here don't like the slick ones. We will have them in stalls and turnout during the evening. We don't want a pasture for of them...just a few for shows. After that we will just A.I. for Angus probably. I probably won't be using Jonsey...
  3. M

    What to A.I. for club calves

    We have 2 Gelbvieh Angus heifers, 1 Angus/Herford and 1 Angus heifer. We would like to AI them for club calves. What are some good calving ease club bulls with thickness and hair. They are all 16mos. old and range 800-1000lbs.
  4. M

    Does he look sick?

    really not sure how that helped, but thanks for your wisdom.
  5. M

    Does he look sick?

    Yes, we live in South Florida and the temps are in the mid 80's. No winter for us here. So, chronic lung damage...great! We have a vet coming next week, so we will see what he says.
  6. M

    Does he look sick?

    We honestly have no idea...we were told he was from a breeder in North Florida. We bought him from a cow broker. They said September birth date, but has recently said no October. He won't give me any inclination as to where he's from. He was never sick...just on here, someone mentioned they...
  7. M

    Vitamin A, D, E and Multimin??

    We have a late October born steer that we were instructed to give Vitamin A, D, and E and Multimin to. They said it would help with overall health and weight gain. He weight 392 yesterday and we need to bulk him up. Any suggestions?? Thanks!!
  8. M

    Need steer to gain 280 by August 5.

    This calf was born in late September, possible October. We aren't sure on the breed either. We weighed him again yesterday and he was 392. We shaved him down, to lose the fluffy hair and then sprayed him down. We are changing his feed and he seems to like the new feed better. We will...
  9. M

    Does he look sick?

    I was told by others that our bull calf, who will be a steer soon...looks sick. We've given him a dose of draxin and just wormed him. what else should we do?? We are all new to this.
  10. M

    Need steer to gain 280 by August 5.

    Thanks...a friend told us to add Calf Manna to his feed to help. He gets hay also. He's still a bull, we need to get him cut or banded soon. We are not 100% on the breed, they said MaineX.
  11. M

    Need steer to gain 280 by August 5.

    My daughter recently got her steer for Feb. 2018 fair. He currently weighs 370lbs. He needs to be 650 by Aug. 5. She is feeding him unlimited hay and 9lbs of feed daily. The protein is 13%, 4% fat. Is this doable? What else should we add to the feed?