Recent content by tnwalkingred

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  1. T

    No till drilling summer annuals

    Thanks all for the information. Guess we will rethink this strategy and try to come up with a different plan.
  2. T

    No till drilling summer annuals

    Hey y'all, I have some pastures and hay fields (located in middle TN) that are not performing well and need to be replanted this fall in a permanent cool season stand. I've been thinking about mowing those fields down very short and immediately no-till drilling Pearl Millet into those fields...
  3. T

    Round Bale Storing

    Hey y'all, For the past few years we have been fortunate to get our hay from field to barn without any issues. But this year some of my hay suppliers are cutting hay much earlier, in turn it's taking longer to cure, and there is a chance the baled hay will get rained on before we can get it...
  4. T

    Tiff leaf 3 pearl millet.

    I plan to plant some in middle TN here in a few weeks. I had planned to spray with Gly 4, disk and drag, and then broadcast with the fertilizer. I would prefer to drill but wasn't sure it would work that well. I assume you all burned it down first?
  5. T

    Fall/Winter Forage

    I have mostly fescue. I wonder if I should instead just fertilize the fields heavy and try to stockpile some fescue. Just seems like it won't provide much help after the fall even if I'm able to keep the cattle off of it.
  6. T

    Pinkeye after being worked

    I have the largest portion of my cattle at one farm. All mature cows with a bunch of spring calves on their sides. No pinkeye at all. Cows have plenty of good grass. I have about 11 heifers and two mature cows in a group on a different farm with a CE bull. Pasture is not so good and I have...
  7. T

    Fall/Winter Forage

    I had hoped to not have to disk the ground up at all. Will no till drilling into the existing sod not work well?
  8. T

    2017 top AI bulls

    Tour of Duty and Absolute would be my picks in that list followed by Black Granite Ten X.
  9. T


    I have (4) heifers in the UT Replacement program and we chose to bred them all to Hickok. We looked at a bunch of bulls and on paper he seemed to fit the bill.
  10. T

    Fall/Winter Forage

    I like the idea of adding some turnips to the ryegrass. I need to be cognizant of costs as well. Would turnips or cereal rye help reduce the costs? I'm not familiar with those seed costs. Clover seed is pretty pricey here.
  11. T

    Fall/Winter Forage

    All, I have cattle running on two farms and plan to pull the cattle off one farm before August so I can over seed and fertilize the pastures in an attempt to supplement the amount of hay I have to feed. All cattle will be brought back once the forage runs out at the other farm. The farm where...
  12. T

    Bringing the Cows Home - Video

    Awesome video and great pics! Thanks so much for sharing. I wondered how you kept them following the truck but dropping a little feed makes alot of sense. My cattle got out of their pasture and into some soybean fields about a 1/2 mile away once. I took a feed bucket and the side by and side and...
  13. T

    Callicrate Pro Bander

    Anyone used one of these? I'm thinking about purchasing one and seeing how it works. Any info is appreciated.
  14. T

    Getting started Backgrounding

    Figure 3-4% death loss. To mimic what others have said the cost difference at purchase between bulls and steers has to be significant in order to maximize profit.
  15. T

    S s objective t510

    I have an Objective cow and she is about as gentle as they get. She stays fat as mud and is a true "tank" of a cow. Only issue I've had out of her is she is hard to get bred AI. Her bull calf from two years ago is a beast and is the talk of the town for his size.