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  1. greybeard

    Post a random thought

    Just because we don't doesn't mean others don't...
  2. greybeard

    coffee is ready, have a cup

    Murray packs his cigarettes..
  3. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — Federal agencies have called on Americans to refrain from cooking with gas stoves for the next two weeks to help "flatten the curve". "It's real simple, folks," said the spokesperson "These gas stoves have brought upon us a terrible pandemic of asthma, brain damage, and...
  4. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    Nothing embarrasses a psychic more than throwing them a surprise party. You know you're getting old (or drunk) when it takes 2 tries to get up from the sofa. I heard she gave him the shaft.
  5. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    This needs to be kept over in Conspiracy/politics/religion.
  6. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    I took a polio vaccine that was unproven. Us 1950s schoolkids WERE the proving ground. In hindsight, does something seem wrong about that?
  7. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    I've had 4. No health problems here other than decades old back problems..
  8. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    It ain't all bad.......
  9. greybeard

    Post a random picture

    For Mountain Creek Ranch....A nice place (except for all those ugly tall green things that are just waitin for their chance to fall on your fence, barn and roadway...)
  10. greybeard

    Post a random thought

    Some shallow bird brained idiot somewhere will take offense at that and another similarly mentally endowed someone will claim that driver is publicly calling for people to kill protesters. Such is the stupid world we live in.
  11. greybeard

    Post a random thought

    The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never tell for sure if they are genuine: Abraham Lincoln
  12. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    Walmarts here, close at 11pm..
  13. greybeard

    coffee is ready, have a cup

    I had a good day yesterday (my 74th birthday)that started at a place called Black Bear Diner in Harker Heights near Killeen, as wife and I had breakfast with the Temple area Marine Corps League. Black Bear uses med dark Nicaraguan coffee and it was surprisingly good but the place was crowded...
  14. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    A pun walks into a bar and 10 people are killed. pun in, ten dead
  15. greybeard

    coffee is ready, have a cup

    Wife calls me a coffee snob every time I try a new brand. (she loves the smell of coffee but can't drink it without getting heartburn.) damyankee wimp. Grounds in the pot? .. pour a little cold water in and it will settle the grounds to the bottom.
  16. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    Some of the things on that list are gonna get them seriously injured. Drive a nail..change a tire? Use a hot iron or a stapler or successfully open and close a window without smashing a thumb?
  17. greybeard

    Post a random picture

    or buckle bunnies and bar fights.... Not that our Dave would ever have participated in either endeavor back in his younger days...;)
  18. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    That would be humorous if it weren't so dang true!!
  19. greybeard

    Daily Chuckle

    I thought I had asked this already but evidently not...for removing wood screws?
  20. greybeard

    Post your Best Cheapskate Stories Here!

    Most of mine, are because of the unbridled lust of my younger days (and not completely exhausted today, tho now directed at only The 1) For instance, I once offered to replace the turbocharger on a 4 cylinder Dodge Daytona. (it was a Shelby and, of course...a woman was involved) Way in the...