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  1. chaded


    That is some scary stuff and would probably have me on edge, especially running equipment. We have two wells here. One is a shallow hand dug well around 16’ deep and 3’ or so in diameter. There is a piece of metal over it but my plan is to get rid of the thing someday. I need to check more...
  2. chaded

    Electric Fence Problem - Arching at Ground Rod

    I keep my ground rods and wire going to them closer to the charger and away from the fence. I would start there actually. Move it so it isn’t arching with the fence. Test it again. If you still have low voltage I would check for cracked insulators. Having a fault finder would make things easy...
  3. chaded

    Fiberglass Rods

    I suspect with more and more people using them (i think?) that people are raising the prices. Did you paint yours and if so, what did you use?
  4. chaded

    Fiberglass Rods

    Kencove got back with me and shipping is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be for 7.5’ rods. So they should be coming before too long.
  5. chaded

    Fiberglass Rods

    I found a guy that has what i want at a reasonable costs but doesn’t ship and I’m not driving out to Missouri (i think it is). I’m waiting for kencove to get back with me on a quote. I have a feeling it is going to be pretty high. I think I am going to call that TJ’s Fencing place moses linked...
  6. chaded

    Fiberglass Rods

    Longest they have is 6 foot and they are 8 dollars each not counting shipping.
  7. chaded

    Fiberglass Rods

    At $55 for each rod I think I will pass on those.
  8. chaded

    Fiberglass Rods

    Any happen to have a source for 1-1/4” fiberglass rods? I feel like I have searched the entire world wide web to no avail. I found a couple places that have them but nothing over 6 foot.
  9. chaded

    What to do?

    I guess you have answered your own question. As far as when to sell? Now is as good a time as any.
  10. chaded

    Land Swindlers

    We get them letters all the time so I am inclined to believe that they do get some people to sell them land or they wouldn’t keep doing it. It kind of reminds me of the loggers that give the little ol’lady a thousand dollars for her timber and rake in tens if thousands off of it. They don’t get...
  11. chaded

    Property Tax Increases

    My wife and I took out a mortgage for our farm and house back in late 2017. We got a 30 year loan and we are about to pay it off in a month. A few years back I got allergic to debt so we have paid off the vehicles and threw everything at the mortgage. Some people like playing around with debt...
  12. chaded

    Conservation Easements

    I have never heard of a conservation easement around here. We have a powerline that goes through our property and we haven’t had any issues. It has been there long before we bought the property. I have only seen them twice since we’ve been here in 7 years. Once they sent a big group of guys in...
  13. chaded

    Heard through the grapevine

    If some guy told his dogs to watch my children….well I can’t even type on here what would happen because it would be so bad it would probably trigger the FBI or someone…
  14. chaded

    Is Son of Butch MIA?

    Probably got banned. I’m on here pretty regularly and I don’t see any commotion happening so it must be happening the politic and whatnot section that I am not a part of. Seems to me you’re kind of asking for it if you have a forum section with the word “Controversy” in the title as well as...
  15. chaded

    Keeping them alive

    Yeah that is pretty bad. Lol. The ‘thing’ in the OP definitely has mange or something. That is more than ’rough’ looking. Not as bad as TC’s though. 🤣
  16. chaded

    Keeping them alive

    Looks to have mange. 🤢
  17. chaded

    Happy Fathers Day

    It is amazing what all they can do. Ours were delivered at 34 weeks. Good weight, nice and healthy but they need some time to develop their lungs a little more. My daughter has developed quite the reputation in the NICU for being feisty. My son is pretty laid back so far. Every time I meet a...
  18. chaded

    Happy Fathers Day

    Thanks. My father in law had 6 girls and 5 are married. He said he got his sons that way.
  19. chaded

    Happy Fathers Day

    Yeah they are the first. Boy and Girl.
  20. chaded

    Happy Fathers Day

    Our twins had to be delivered early so I am spending my first Father’s Day in the NICU. Not how I would of done it but I am grateful they are doing good and just need time. Some are in a lot worse shape in here so it puts things in perspective..