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  1. CowboyRam

    Food Poisoning

    I'm not so sure I have food poisoning anymore. I still have it. Maybe I picked up something from my calves that I treated for scours on Saturday. I took some of the same stuff that I treated my calves with. A couple years ago I had got it, but much worse; even went to the doctor for it but...
  2. CowboyRam

    Food Poisoning

    Dad and my sister are just fine, but they didn't eat any of canned cream, I did. I'm thinking it sit out to long.
  3. CowboyRam

    Food Poisoning

    Went to a family gathering yesterday, and I think I came up with a touch of the food poisoning. Not long after getting home I started getting sick and have been run down all day. It's a wonder I got anything done today, but somehow I did.
  4. CowboyRam

    Check out this AI video. crazy

    It might help with search and rescue. Video the surrounding mountains and it could probably narrow down the search area. It is interesting and scarry at the same time.
  5. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    No doubt they are part of the problem.
  6. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    That is the problem, no competition. I think it all started with medical insurance and it has been snowballing ever since.
  7. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    I think the insurance racket has a lot to do with the hospital cost. If I had insurance they would have been billed $2700, and I would have never even questioned it. Obama care made things even worse. Of course every time government tries to fix something they usually end up making it much...
  8. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    They are going to build a new hospital here that is not affiliated with the current hospital. I think they just broke ground, unless the new building is for something else, but I am pretty sure it is for the new hospital. I'm not so sure that the community can support two hospitals.
  9. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    I got the estimated bill from the hospital today. It was a little over $2700, to honest I'm a bit livid about it. I was only in there for a little over an hour. They soaked my fingers and sewed up my thumb, and used some glue the glue the rest of me together. Because I am self pay they took...
  10. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    When I was a teenager we had a outboard motor that needed to be overhauled. Dad was helping the guy at the marina drive the pins out of the pistons. He missed and hit this guys thumb. He never said a thing, went and sat on snowmachine he had in his shop. Dad it it hard, as he was giving it...
  11. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    Your lucky you didn't lose that finger.
  12. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    No, I should have been.
  13. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    I made it through the night without it bleeding to much but broke it open buttoning my jeans this morning. Changed the dressing and then went to feed. It don't look like I will be doing a whole lot the next few days. The thumb and finger is cut open kind of in a bad spot. As dad likes to...
  14. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    It was a short post to start with, I should have used the sledge hammer. I wanted the post behind pipe elbow so the water would not push it off. I had 10' piece of pipe to install and one more elbow, well that didn't happen.
  15. CowboyRam

    T-post one, me zero

    Well it was a trip to the ER for some stitches. Stitches in the thumb and glue on the finger. It happened about 1:30 This afternoon, but didn't decide to go to the ER until 4:30. The nurse at the ER couldn't believe that I took a nap before going in. I lifted the post pounder a bit to high...
  16. CowboyRam

    And it Begins

    Bison 1, human 0...
  17. CowboyRam

    Fiberglass Rods

    Western Ranch supply in Billing has 5"x8' pointed post for $19. I just picked up eleven 8' railroad ties for about $15 at a local auction. I need some more, so I guess I will pick up some of those $19 post when I take dad to his doctor appointment in Billings.
  18. CowboyRam

    Gaffers tape on cowboy boots

    I know the feeling. I had a pair of Drew's buckaroos that were worn out, and had not worn them for several years before getting rid of them. Best pair of boots I ever had.
  19. CowboyRam

    What to do?

    Dad first bought the farm when he was 69, almost 70, but then I decided to move here as well to help out. I guess one might say I was dumb enough to take over. Dad is still doing some, albeit he does it a bit slower, and I do most of the hard heavy work. He was out corrugating the other day...
  20. CowboyRam

    My rant for the day

    It could be worse, you could live next door to a bunch of Air Force Airmen. Go Army, what can I say, I'm an Army guy, well technically a Weekend Warrior.