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  1. CowboyRam

    Third bunch

    I had one friend that was going to help, but he ended up in the ER on Friday. I guess they still don't know what is wrong with him. His wife was taking him to Casper. From what I understand is that his head was hurting him and he couldn't turn his head either direction. He used to be one of...
  2. CowboyRam

    Third bunch

    You must have a better crew than I did. You did more than I did in about the same amount of time. Of course we started out with only two people, Will and myself. After we did a few a high school kid did show up to help us. Dad did come out, but he didn't really do anything, just watched. He...
  3. CowboyRam

    Third bunch

    You do a better job at taking pictures than I did. Branded 57 head this morning, and I didn't take one picture. I'm heavier on heifer calves this year. We cooked up a bunch of food, and only had two show up. It looks like I am going to be eating sloppy joes for awhile. At least it is done.
  4. CowboyRam

    First branding done

    I agree. When my uncle had his cows he always dragged them to the fire. I helped out on several occasions. My profile pic is from one of those brandings. One of the riders was not watching out for those of us on the ground and pulled a calf right into me as I was holding another one. It...
  5. CowboyRam

    First branding done

    A buddy talked me into dragging mine to the fire a couple years ago, that turned out to be cluster ****, and took longer than it should have. I won't make that mistake again.
  6. CowboyRam

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    You guys are getting all the rain and up here we can't even buy a decent rain. I'm thankful for the 2/10ths we got last week, and maybe 1/2 inch from the storm before that. I finally got water running on the fields monday.
  7. CowboyRam

    Best Cattle Crosses For Unassisted Calving

    Out on the Red Dessert they figure 35-40 acres per month. I still need to get out to the ranch to check fences; there is one place near the old railroad siding that the snow drifts over and breaks the fence down in several spots, the rest is not so bad but still needs to be checked.
  8. CowboyRam

    Replacement females???

    The thing is with those you wish would die never do, they are just two tough and onery. Dad had a mare that he tried to ride to death, but she was just to tough and outlasted him.
  9. CowboyRam

    Replacement females???

    Old Ben Robert out on the Sweetwater here in Wyoming always said he would rather have two skinny cows than one fat one. He started with nothing and ended up with a ranch 30 miles wide by 90 miles long. He went from Shoshoni Wyoming almost to Casper, and almost to Wamsutter Wyoming. There was...
  10. CowboyRam

    Blue Sky

    It has been in the 50's the last several days, the snow is almost gone. Our driveway is a mess; needs a bunch of gravel added to it. We are supposed to have a 50% of snow for tomorrow.
  11. CowboyRam

    Replacement females???

    Each individual has to make a choice whether to buy replacements or raise their own depending on how they do their operation. Maybe if I was not part of that over-the-hill gang, and had a place for heifers I might consider raising my own as well. At this stage in the game is does not make...
  12. CowboyRam

    Replacement females???

    I don't retain heifers for three reasons. I don't have a place to keep heifers, I just don't see the value in keeping them, and I just don't want to calve out heifers.
  13. CowboyRam


    Anything above zero is good.
  14. CowboyRam

    Blue Sky

    We got rain the night before last, then it turned to snow, and I was making ruts in my field when I fed. I noticed this morning that a lot of the hay I fed got trampled into the mud. At least the ground was frozen this morning.
  15. CowboyRam

    Culling Bred Cows?

    I wish I had done that with my bred culls.
  16. CowboyRam

    11month Jersey with cut tongue

    One year we had a cow that had a sliced tongue, it was almost all the way across the width of her tongue. We took her into the vet, and the vet really didn't know what to do. We had him cut it off the rest of the way as there was not much holding on. She lost about two inches of her tongue...
  17. CowboyRam

    Warming up

    Tuesday morning we had -37, and I think we might have made 15 for a high today. It is looking like we are going to be back into the 30's next week.
  18. CowboyRam

    Starting Out

    My uncle had one tied in the open trailer he has, and she jumped out. She was choking herself and they have to cut the rope. It was a brand new lariat that my uncle had just bought; he was not to happy about his new rope needing to be cut.
  19. CowboyRam

    Cold bitz

    50-55 is nice working weather here. 110-115 I'm looking for someplace cool.
  20. CowboyRam

    Cold bitz

    I got caught with my pants down last year. I had my feed tractor gelled up even though I was running blended fuel, so this year I added an additive to my fuel. A buddy of mine didn't and his skid steer gelled up.