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  1. G

    Foot rot

    Forgot about the CTC and EDDI salt. That seems to help quite a bit as well.
  2. G

    Foot rot

    I think the one our vet uses is Fusogard or something like that name.
  3. G

    Foot rot

    Ours seem worst if we have a good growing year (not this year for us) with a lot of weeds. After the weeds cure out and they start stepping on broken weed stubs it causes scratches and worse between their toes and around the hairline and that seems to be where cases get started. Also going...
  4. G

    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    I had a spare twin that was a bottle calf for a month or so last spring. Accidentally bought some replacer that had soy protein. That calf's butt reeked for a two weeks after I found the real stuff. His name was Stinky for the rest of the summer even after I got a cow to take him.
  5. G

    2 month old calf drooling bubbles

    What is calf's temp today?
  6. G

    Asking for a friend…….

    I don't think so. Don't think it will do anything. At least not in a normal dose.
  7. G

    Cow won’t lay down

    There is also Banamine transdermal, which is a pour on down the spine. Withdrawal is 4 days if I recall correctly. A dose of transdermal seems to provide about 48 hours of pain relief just based on my observations.
  8. G

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Wyoming has only $25K statutory minimum liability auto coverage. That is why I suggest to clients to carry the maximum UM/UIM they can, because when the other driver is at fault and is "judgment proof" UM/UIM is going to be the only source (other than their health insurance) to get back on...
  9. G

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Make sure to get the max coverage on UM/UIM. Cheapest insurance you can buy for when the other driver doesn't have enough coverage to pay for your injuries and damages they caused.
  10. G

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Looks like the policy only covers losses due to most anything except a health issue. There have been many high dollar cattle that died of "bloat" that were apparently covered, but no doubt different policy terms.
  11. G

    Large Animal Vets are gone

    My vet is one of the last mobile vets around these parts. Operates entirely out of his pickup with no vet clinic and has various equipment including a Silencer chute he can drag around if someone needs it. We have him preg check and do all vaccinations at preg check time, Bangs vaccinate the...
  12. G

    Cow with badly swollen legs ?

    Appears to be inflammation going on and settling in her lower legs. She looks like an old person with bad circulation. Maybe a case of hardware that never got bad enough to kill her yet?
  13. G

    Is this Diphtheria?

    Need sulfa pills to kill diphtheria.
  14. G

    Is this Diphtheria?

    Does his breath stink like rotting meat? That is a tell on diphtheria. Also stretching his neck out to try and clear his airway to breathe is another. Maybe not that far along if that is what it is.
  15. G

    Shrinking Claw in 3 year old cow

    Maybe puts more weight on inside claw making her inside claw compensate by growing bigger?
  16. G

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    Bet they aren't mixing milk with a hand whisk.
  17. G

    Sick calf

    First thing to always do is get a temp. I carry one of the cheap digital thermometers in my coat pocket year round. 103.8 + is a fever and needs antibiotic ASAP (usually Draxxin on hand from my vet, but it is a little slower acting than some others) and Banamine transdermal. The Banamine will...
  18. G

    Goat Milk Replacer for a Calf???

    At our old place the neighbor lady had goats. I used goat milk for a calf for a couple weeks until I had a cow to graft it on. Calf did fine on it. Have heard of using goat milk on foals that lost their dam, but not sure on the reliability of the source.
  19. G

    Robbed blind...

    The local CO-OP we get our propane through has some good mineral mixes. I bought a 1-ton pallet a couple weeks ago and they delivered it right to the yard. $28/bag laid in.
  20. G

    Farmer Jan...

    Kind of like the main brands of peanut butter. Squeeze out all the peanut oil and sell it and then add palm kernel oil and sugar back in.