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  1. CowboyRam

    Life Choices

    As I was driving through Provo Utah I came to realize why I have made some of my life choices. It took me for what seemed like forever to get through Provo. After college I could have went to work for some big construction company but the idea of living in the big city just didn't appeal to...
  2. CowboyRam

    Dang it, of all the luck

    I got a chance to see one of his older bulls and I really liked him.
  3. CowboyRam

    Dang it, of all the luck

    Yes, very much so.
  4. CowboyRam

    Dang it, of all the luck

    Picked up my replacement bull today. Between going to the ranch and driving all the way to Castle Dale Utah I made a round trip of 975 miles. While there he showed my his winter pasture. I thought where I summer my cows is harsh country, that country around Castle Dale is dryer. If...
  5. CowboyRam

    Post a random picture

    I have an uncle that showed a rain gage to his young daughter at the time, and she said that is never going to work. How is rain going to get into that little itty-bitty hole. She thought they needed something bigger like that bucket.
  6. CowboyRam

    coffee is ready, have a cup

    The Marlboro man lived a little ways north of us, Well used to. He now is in that last stop motel up on the hill. I think dad might of met him, but I never did.
  7. CowboyRam

    Daily Chuckle

    There was an election going on at the time, and I think there was a lot of misinformation put out on purpose to keep the masses fixated on the pandemic and not what their elected representative's were doing.
  8. CowboyRam

    Post a random thought

    What would ranching look like if we had access to Star Trek transporters?
  9. CowboyRam

    Daily Chuckle

    Well he was trying to hide the fact that he was funding Gain of Function Research with US tax dollars.
  10. CowboyRam

    Daily Chuckle

  11. CowboyRam

    Daily Chuckle

    I think you are giving him way more credit than he is due.
  12. CowboyRam

    Keeping the road from rolling up

    All that moisture when through Montana. I could not believe how green it was around Billings a couple weeks ago. So far the grass is looking pretty good at the ranch, but we do need some rains to keep it green.
  13. CowboyRam

    Daily Chuckle

  14. CowboyRam

    Keeping the road from rolling up

    They moved about three miles after I let them out. Mostly were moving along the road. Oh and it never did stop blowing today.
  15. CowboyRam

    Keeping the road from rolling up

    The last six days have brutal. Thursday of last week went around the pasture checking fence; that took four hours to drive. I ended up catching a head cold. Sunday went back to the ranch to set up a corral to mother up the cows after off loading from the truck. Today hauled cows to the...
  16. CowboyRam

    Post a random picture

    My aunt has a baby owl in her garden at the ranch.
  17. CowboyRam

    Post a random thought

    I was going to go back today to set up a corral to receive my cows, but decided to push it off until Sunday. All that driving through the sage bush and fixing fence in it has really flared up my allergies. All I did today was look at a riding lawnmower and get some hay ready for the next three...
  18. CowboyRam

    coffee is ready, have a cup

    I have found since I have been drinking better coffee I don't have as much heartburn. A woman I once dated always said that Folgers gave her heartburn and that is what I drank at the time. The lighter roast usually have more acid but the darker roast will be more bitter. I prefer the...
  19. CowboyRam

    Post a random thought

    I hate it when you are tired at 5pm with two hours of drive to get home; you finally can go to bed at 11pm you just can't sleep. Here it is almost 1am and I am wide awake.
  20. CowboyRam

    Post a random picture

    She giving you that "I need help" look.