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  1. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Post a random thought

    Not sure what you are referring to "could be read two different ways". The "meter" is the "Fact or Fiction" meter about the whole article. So, definitely was not fiction.
  2. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Post a random thought

    "There have now been 16 straight months of OVER 150,000 illegal border crossings." I would say that 150,000 illegal crossings a month is WAY TOO MANY.
  3. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Post a random picture

    she looks wet. Great pic
  4. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Can't catch a break

    TC hang in there. Husbands are soooo lucky to have a strong wife. Bless all your friends and neighbors.
  5. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Calf sex prediction

    It's not really the "color" that is making those cows good - it's the genetics. Continentals just grow better. Simmental cross cows "normally" "should" outperform the Charlolais cross cows because of milk production - but all crossbreds milk better with the hybred-vigor - or "should". The...
  6. Jeanne - Simme Valley


    I sure would like to know??? He was my "go to" on nutrition.
  7. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Toby Keith, Larger-Than-Life Country Music Star, Dies at 62

    Nephew said FB was pasted with red Solo cups!!! Glad he didn't suffer any longer. He sure looked rough. Great kind of guy.
  8. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Post a random picture

    I was going to ask what the red bar was. So, what is it's purpose? Other than keeping their chest up off the floor?
  9. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Got warm

    WORSE!! For us anyway. Give me frozen ground and snow. This mud is horrible. I purposely calve Jan/Feb so we don't have "bugs" with everything clean.
  10. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Calf sex prediction

    So, she didn't breed back right away? Took 15 months to have her next calf. Or did you purposely keep the breeding bull away from her?
  11. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Post a random picture

  12. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Post a random picture

    Wish I could see what @jltrent posted. All I get is: Loading Facebook SDK. You will need to disable any adblocker, privacy extension, or built-in tracking protection.
  13. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Horned Cattle

    No - just NY State inspected. Been doing my butchering for over 30 years.
  14. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Horned Cattle

    Individual pens? Well, I guess that's what my guy has. He has a couple cattle trailers (far from being road worthy) that we can unload in. Or, if just hauling 1, he generally just drops it in back of my trailer and hauls it our with bucket loader.
  15. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Post a random thought

    I know! The thought alone is hard on a women!!! 😆 🤣
  16. Jeanne - Simme Valley


    😆 🤣 some breeders on here get a lot more than me, I'm sure. It is ideal to have a foot of snow pack on the ground. It is a warm insulation for the cows. Last year we were way off our snow and freezing weather. Much harder on the cattle....and us!! This year has been like last year, so far.
  17. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Winter boots

    Dryshod is what I wear. Warm, great support.
  18. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Daily Chuckle

    It worked.
  19. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    986mm for the year

    We average 120" snow each winter. Just finally got our first "real" snowfall. Maybe 6" We average 40" rain. I think we got most of that during this fall and early winter. We normally have lots of snow for December. RARELY don't have a white Christmas. Not this year. Just mud. And YES. We...
  20. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    How do you call the cows

    This is a good place to end this thread.