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  1. O

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    Yes. It’s not a bad problem to have. We can juggle more baggage than most. Learn the problem and then exploit it. Took me a couple decades.
  2. O

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    Depends on the lady.
  3. O

    Need working facility

    If I tried that, I’d be making my own sandwiches for a week or three.
  4. O

    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    Those prices are nuts, but we are starting to see land prices get crazy here too, starting with Al’s invention of the internet and then especially with Covid. I bought 80 acres of this place in 1996 for $50,000, and added another 50 acres in 2010 for $30,000. Cheap dirt, and I didn’t feel as...
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    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    For the folks that assumed that I was mowing and baling 6-8 weeks early, no. No, I don’t do hay earlier than anyone else around here. I’m saying that I mow/shred/cut my hay meadows down to about 5-6 inches, and I let the chaff lay. That grass left standing under the hog grows real good after I...
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    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    Another consideration, especially this time of year, is how fast the forage grows. When it grows really fast with all the rain and fresh nutrient, it may not uptake the trace minerals as efficiently. People look at me like I have two heads when I mow my hay meadow 6-8 weeks before hay cutting...
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    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    I know there is some argument to be made about the necessity of leaving out free choice loose mineral (whether it’s really worth it or not). For me, that mineral feeder is a gauge. When they don't touch it for weeks, or when they nail it and start consuming a lot; it gives me a clue. Big changes...
  8. O

    Feeding time at the zoo

    I was expecting previously unseen footage from hidden cameras at the Capital Rotunda. Good looking operation.
  9. O

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    Family reunion, huh?
  10. O

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    That is my experience as well. I convince myself that this condition is a good thing and means that I'm observant, and industrious:ROFLMAO: The place is like a painting that I have spent years perfecting, but everyday I walk past the easel I notice something that can be improved. I'm expecting...
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    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    Okay, what do you see in this piece of wood?
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    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    I do fire art.
  13. O

    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    Those are awesome! I'm not much of an artist, although I can draw flies really well. Sculptor? Well, I can whittle a toothpick. I do have a neighbor that does chainsaw sculpting. He has a human sized wooden indian to support his mailbox. The mailbox is right where you imagine, and painted red.
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    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    It's never too late, and at this stage we don't have nearly as many years to reckon with the consequences of failure
  15. O

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    Very nice! That’s a good feeling!
  16. O


    I like the barn and the cat, and the cow butts. Beautiful pictures!
  17. O

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    I went outside this morning to pee and smoke a cigarette while drinking coffee. I heard a rumble that sounded like a train car hookup. Then shortly later I looked at the radar. It was south of us. If you’re inline with that stationary front, you will get hammered with some rain.
  18. O

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    If you really want to sigh, just think about all of that trouble those cows keep us out of.