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  1. TexasJerseyMilker

    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    I've raised a few bottle calves on milk based replacer. I have never raised a calf that was such a strong and aggressive nurser as this one getting Honeydew's Jersey milk. It's like vanilla ice cream diluted with water. She is also especially shiny.
  2. TexasJerseyMilker

    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    The last calf I raised (Honeydew, milking now) refused to eat or even nibble calf starter. I put out fresh every day for weeks. Finally I dumped some of her milk replacer on the grain and she ate it like a kid with a bowl of cereal
  3. TexasJerseyMilker

    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    In the dairy calf raising industry soy milk replacer is frowned upon.
  4. TexasJerseyMilker

    Large Animal Vets are gone

    This morning I found a mobile vet out of the north end of the next county. Mobile vets out in the country see a lot of cattle and horses. I emailed her so I can set up a doctor/client/patient relationship. Country vets -- I once took a sick chicken in to see one and he only charged $5.00 and...
  5. TexasJerseyMilker

    Large Animal Vets are gone

    The problem here in Coos county Oregon is there are no large animal vets. There is one vet in a small animal practice who sees large animals but only on Thursdays, plus a $350 far a farm call. The dairies around here do their own vet work. My dear elderly dog doctor used to see large animals. He...
  6. TexasJerseyMilker

    Steer stuffer worth it?

    I used to use automatic fish food feeders on timers to feed my horses pellets. Working at the hospital 40 miles away I couldn't always get home to feed them on time.
  7. TexasJerseyMilker

    Is this Diphtheria?

    Is your vet going to make a farm call?
  8. TexasJerseyMilker

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    (Update) I guess by now people have heard about this. The H5N1 Bird flu from last year that caused massive depopulation of poultry farms all over the world is still around. Now it's spread to dairy herds first in the Texas panhandle, then New Mexico, Kansas, Minnesota, and Idaho. The infected...
  9. TexasJerseyMilker

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    Luck said "So you caught the bird flu? Any idea how you caught it? How long were you sick and what were the symptoms?" No, that was the the swine flu H1N1 epidemic of 2009. The virus jumped to humans on Mexican farm workers. I probably caught it Dec. 2008 at the Texas hospital where I was a...
  10. TexasJerseyMilker

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    It appears that highly pathogenic avian bird flu has jumped to mammals. I remember the Swine flu of 2008-2009 that originated in Mexico. I got infected with it when I lived in Texas before they knew what it was. I almost died at home alone out in the woods, too weak to turn over in bed or dial...
  11. TexasJerseyMilker

    Robbed blind...

    The girls. Young dairy bulls that are imprinted on and have no fear of people are some of the most dangerous livestock on Earth. You don't make pets out of them.
  12. TexasJerseyMilker

    Robbed blind...

    I have seen idiot teenage girls leading intact Jersey bull calves around in TSC talking baby talk to them. Can you imagine what kind of wreck that is going to turn out to be?
  13. TexasJerseyMilker

    Calf losing hair

    Thats too bad. What did your son do about the rain rot?
  14. TexasJerseyMilker

    Calf losing hair

    Do cattle get rain rot? - It has rained 20" here since the first of the year. A few days ago I noticed my old Jersey (born 2011) out in the pasture furiously whipping her tail over her back and trying to turn around and trying to lick her tailhead area. Brought her up and slick but dry mud was...
  15. TexasJerseyMilker

    New type of bottle

    I ordered one of those Peach Teats. It's not here yet. Honeydew is due to calf in a few weeks. I don't care for those honking big rubber nipples on the regular bottles, I've had to force calves to drink from them. Since I will be raising bottle heifers from now on I want something they take to...
  16. TexasJerseyMilker

    Farmer Jan...

    FarmerJan. What about the milk with too high an SCC to sell and must be poured out. Can it be pasteurized and fed to calves?
  17. TexasJerseyMilker

    Ear infection or obstruction?

    My horse once got a bunch of seed ticks in his ear. Shaking and rubbing his ear and it hanging off to the side. Ivermectin paste wormer by mouth got rid of it.
  18. TexasJerseyMilker

    Vaccinating calves

    I like the idea of vaccinating pregnant cows so the antibodies for those diseases are in the colostrum right off the bat.
  19. TexasJerseyMilker

    Vaccinating calves

    The deal is a lot different for dairy calves.
  20. TexasJerseyMilker

    Can cattle OD on minerals

    This might be a clue. From Purina website DIRECTIONS:Feed this product free choice to cattle grazing green, fast-growing forage. Feed this product 1 to 2 weeks before cattle are placed on pasture. Optimum intake is 4 ounces per head per day. Cattle receiving phosphorus deficient diets may...