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  1. TexasJerseyMilker

    my One cow dairy

    After a great deal of excitement and drama the first week, first calf heifer Honeydew has now become a dairy cow. Here she is relaxing with her companion. Two weeks into lactation she is producing 55lbs milk a day. This antique milking machine, a Surge belly pail, can easily be taken apart and...
  2. TexasJerseyMilker

    How to breed out black coat color

    Here's the back story. My favorite Jersey cow Daphne is 13, she would be 14 if she calved again. She has always lived on the ranch and had 7 calves by Black Angus bulls. All were black or nearly black. While I was gone to Oregon in 2016 a fire burned onto the ranch and she and the rest of the...
  3. TexasJerseyMilker

    How to help a dying chicken

    I have 6 pet hens. Some have lived to the age of 12. Those were Aracauna green egg laying chickens. They still laid occasional oddly shaped eggs, but heck, they were eggs. Now I have some coming Aracauna 3 year olds now and have added 3 tame and friendly Barred Rocks. I give the eggs away to...
  4. TexasJerseyMilker

    The latest Bird>Cow>Human flu

    I guess people have heard about this. The H5N1 Bird flu from last year that caused massive depopulation of poultry farms all over the world is still around. Now it's spread to dairy herds first in the Texas panhandle, then New Mexico, Kansas, Minnesota, and Idaho. The infected cows are 10% -20%...
  5. TexasJerseyMilker

    This was on Fox news
  6. TexasJerseyMilker

    Can cattle OD on minerals

    I have two Jersey cows on green pasture, grass hay with 1 lb of 20% cattle cubes a day. I had High Magnesium Wind and Rain out free choice in the pasture and they occasionally ate some. It says on the bag cattle need 4 oz, per day. When I moved the container into the barn breezeway because of...
  7. TexasJerseyMilker

    What about this year

    I'm adding a 40 plant table grape vineyard. I've got 7 varieties, I grew them from cuttings last year. Have to build trellises. After all that work I will certainly be cranky
  8. TexasJerseyMilker

    Ridiculous Livestock prices in Canada
  9. TexasJerseyMilker

    Serbian horses and cattle saved from a flood

    This is in Serbia. Look at the horns on these Podolian cattle. 97 cows, 40 calves and 70 horses were brought home from flooded islands on a barge. These hook and toss horns could hook and toss a bear. Didn't the ancient Aurochs have horns like this...
  10. TexasJerseyMilker

    I'm not canning anything this year

    My husband gave me a big new Magic Mill food dehydrator. It has 9 shelves. New jar lids and bands are just too ridiculously expensive so I'm drying the garden produce this year. So far I've dried apple slices, pears, Italian plums and tomatos. It is surprising how good dried tomato slices are...
  11. TexasJerseyMilker

    Pretty good roping skills
  12. TexasJerseyMilker

    Horn Flies attack people

    I have cattle and also a pet lizard. To feed this lizard every few days I go out with an aquarium fish net and catch a netfull of hornflies off my Jerseys to feed the lizard. I select an area of dense hornflies on their hide and pop the flies over it with the net. The Jersey cows are used to...
  13. TexasJerseyMilker

    When do you stop washing/cleaning your PU truck

    I live in rural Oregon after leaving Texas. My Dodge Ram truck is 9 years old. About a year ago I stopped washing it and cleaning out the interior. It is said that cowboys only get their trucks washed whenever it rains. What age and model of your truck did you stop washing your truck it or...
  14. TexasJerseyMilker

    How to cook 'mature' English peas

    I let my English pea vines get away from me. Today I pulled the vines up out of the grass, harvested the whole lot and shelled out 2lbs. They are big ole tending toward starchy peas, not the tender new peas I picked before. Should I pressure cook them? What?
  15. TexasJerseyMilker


    I has clipping sticker weeds in the pasture and I heard the thunder of hooves. Over the crest of the hill black Arago came flying, prancing, nostrils flared and blowing out snorting breaths. Tail flying like a banner, neck arched, head high with his huge antelope eyes. He came to see what it...
  16. TexasJerseyMilker

    Mid June, tomato flowers don't set fruit

    Its the middle of June and no little green tomatos. The plants are big and healthy in their tomato towers They were planted in soil with compost and a little lime mixed in, watered and fertilized properly, they have no blights or diseases They are covered with yellow flowers that don't drop...
  17. TexasJerseyMilker

    Watch rescue of bogged horse

  18. TexasJerseyMilker

    Ever seen this mastitis test?

    It's not a complicated CMT paddle test where you swirl milk around with some chemicals. It's a card. You You just squirt some milk from each quarter on the colored dots and if positive it changes color.
  19. TexasJerseyMilker

    Some good milk fever advice

    Back three lactations ago we found Daphne on the ground unable to get up after delivering a big bull calf. Due to inexperience we thought it was from a dystocia, a difficult birth. She was down for three days. We kept water and hay in front of her, turned her every six hours and propped her up...