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    Arrest him

    Just remember if you do, don't forget your flash hider or light suppressor;)
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    John Deere 5E vs 5M

    I recommend you go to JD website and compare the two and you decide. Is there a difference, yes sir but is the difference worth the price point to you? We can all give an opinion, but it is just that. It is better you go through it line by line as they allow you to on JD's website and you can...
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    Rancher Wanted

    Could be in Plaquemines Parish. It is just South of New Orleans and protected by levees on both sides you can see while driving along the hwy. Plenty of grazing there when I spent a little time there post Katrina. Eerie feeling to watch the big boats pass by above you and only a levee between...
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    Do you call it Hay?

    I was once made fun of by a fellow for saying car tire(tar) and cell tower(tar) both tire/tower sounds the same but context gives it away. I quickly reminded him that a fellow from MS doesn't have any room to talk. :) Let's just say I got the eraser or whatever was in my teachers hand thrown at...
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    Today's effort

    Everything looks awesome besides that pesky moisture. You didn't happen to use a preservative did you? One of the reasons we went to haylage is it is just almost impossible to get everything right in the spring but you dern near did it. If you ever get a chance to sit in on a haylage seminar I...
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    Today's effort

    Oscar, Are you going to get the hay tested? If so please post the results. Just curious as to what it would check. OldCrow
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    Today's effort

    You'll be doing what most can't get done and envy, including me, which is cutting at the right time for quality, and getting it cured/rolled. Very hard to do that around here and is one of the reasons I've went to haylage for ryegrass. Wish you the best and keep trucking!
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    Disease of farming

    It is. I drive a certain way when traveling to see certain farms and what they have been up to. I don't try to keep up with them but just like to see old equipment that is in use and maintenance being kept up on everything. New stuff doesn't impress me but if it's old my tongue hangs out. My...
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    No doubt! Along the same lines when I was a kid I never understood why my parents locked the door on Sunday Mornings. :yuck: Now that I have kids of my own I do. Little rascals are relentless and if they are awake they won't leave you alone for 2 seconds, but I love it.
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    This would be a bad day at the barn

    He showed great athleticism! Did you see how he kicked off the arena wall? :pop:
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    3020 Gasser

    It's not a bad tractor. Carburetor is the source of most problems people have with them followed by ignition issues. I agree Robert's will set it right and are what I would call carb specialists. Can't remember which one but some would replace the carb with a different one for better...
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    Twin - Bottle Feeding Question

    You don't think a quart was enough. Hour 1 - found calf, hour 3 - fed calf one quart, hour 7 - tried feeding again but only took a couple sips. You think a tube feeding is necessary. I was only thinking that if he didn't take another quart in the morning. He only weighs between 35-40lbs. I...
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    Twin - Bottle Feeding Question

    Ok, I've been raising cattle a little over 11 years now but have never had a twin, that I know of not saying I haven't. The mother is an angus influenced heifer that had been sick so we were keeping her up and feeding her separate to nurse her back to good health. Well today she had twins(tiny...
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    Carl Edwards out of racing.

    I liked Carl but lost interest in racing once Mark Martin got out. I just couldn't find another driver I liked as well. I can understand not taking risks anymore as he stated. I think number three in the article may have been his number 1 but I could be wrong. What I think and don't do at 31...
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    Interesting Finicum Video

    I'm not for sure what you mean by your comment which is very open please expound on the topic as it just brings up more questions gimpy. On the OUTSIDE here is how it looks: 1. Their are some harsh statements you made about the situation. He is fighting for his family and way of life which in...
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    If you had one regret?

    I would have sold everything down to my 8-10 best cows and started over again last year when everything was so high. I would be money ahead and could keep my best heifers at a minimum cost instead of building up when I should have sold them. I'll learn, I hope.
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    Cattle loan question?

    I agree littletom I am in year 10 so the begging farm program for me is about over but it has helped me and my wife get started which is what it's intentions were. Like BF said, they are getting interest for the loan so I wouldn't call it a handout or charity.
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    Cattle loan question?

    It's not exactly what I call easy money as the paperwork is more extensive and they will dive into your personal business a little more than the private world but it's not bad. The rates are usually anywhere from 1-4% better depending on loan type. 1% is the cheapest I've ever seen for...
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    tn and surrounding states

    Clinch, I actually sew it in a couple of bottoms and double crop between Rye grass and a mix of Red River/Quick-N-Big and have had good results. Depending on moisture and the ever changing dynamics some times I will cut all of the bottom or just half pending how much grazing I need. The...
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    tn and surrounding states

    Sky/Dun, I have had the opposite with Fescue. If it weren't for crabgrass the cattle here would have starved. I loved the old fescue but it seems the newer fescue doesn't hold up to drought near as well or at least that is my experience. The old would turn brown and come back when the rains...